82 Generall direftionsfor a r48088888888:.8888.8888 ...M.12/1 lat ferviceableneffe of their followers, vifitants, adherentsand dependants to ferve their owne turnes, to feede their hu- mours, further their private endsofprofit, pleafure, rifing,re- potation, or fome other choife carnall contentment and pre- dominate worldly delight. They have their portion in this life , and their heaven here ; therefore they labour to make their earthlyParadifeas full ofpleafures, as poirtbly they can, Their own fenfuall covetous andambitious heartsare the cen, ters, wherein the lines andLeven ofall their plots policies, and projeas doe concurre , and meets ; and to Which they conduc and direa the officioufneffe, pliablneffe,, and feverall fervices of all thofewith whom they hold any kinde °fear- refpondence or entercourfe. 2. Such exercifes of Courtly vanities, floeveleffe errands, idle bufineffe, are Satans chicHI and choyfefl feafons for the fuggeflion of temptations, and too fiteceffefilll difchargeof his fierydarts. Hee bath ordinarily more powerover men, and is much likelier to prevaile, whenbee findes them idle or ill occupied ; then when they are bafied withhumble- neffe and finceritie in religious duties, or the neceffaric workes of a lawFull Calling. In our belt and holieft imploy- mcnts bee is indeedmolt eager againft us; but at times of idleneffe and exercifes ofvanity, bee is commonly molt Cue- careful!. In Gods bufineffes , the honeft executions of our Calling, and feafonable Chriflian recreationi , wee may ex- pea upongood ground, and with hopefoll comfort , Gods proteaion , the ordinarie affiance of his bleffed Spirit ; harrneleffenes from the creatures; Satans refiraint ; fome good sneafure of mortifying helpe vain ft the rebellious ftirrings ofour owne corruptions, and fuch other bleirtngs promifed su fuch cafes. But ifmen will needs bee idle or employed in vanity , they juftly bereave themielves ofall thefe comfor. tableproteehoos and priviledges. For it is juft with God, at Inch times that ilec, fhould withdraw from them His ne proteaing and r ref rairie the gracious influences of holy Spirit', Raii let loolc Againil themwith indignation, CICMIINS ind their ovine corruptions, which is a very