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comfortablewalkingwit4 God. 183 very grievous cut to a tender and waking confcience. 3. The prefence and protcflations, the intimations and motions ofmen inhigh place,qningled with an affeaed fami- liar communication of themfelves, and plaufible neglea of all formall Idemnitiesand auftcrities of ftate,upon purpole to infinnate fooner, and more futtlely ; are many times very po- tent to prevaile with, and perfwade of pecially inferiours. For they areapt when they are fo afraulted e r .To conceive them. felves highly honoured, when thole condefcend and vouch- bale to intreate and bebeholding, who might in other cafes command, nay, and perhaps upon a point of advantage, and pang of difpleaCure, quite crufhand cafhier them. 2. Tohold it a covenient policy in theledayes of the raigne of iniquity and felfelove, when Iudgement id turned backeroard , and Infliceflands afarre ; vhen truth isfalse in thejireet, and equity cannotgoe, as the Prophet fpeakes, to gratifie and de- merit Inch mighty Ones, as may fhelter and proteci them from all flormes ofviolence, oppreffions,and wrong,nay and perhaps, by their countenance procure them a great dealeof credit and efleeme ; if not obfervance and awfulneffe from thole amongfl whom they live.3.To call tominde out oftoo many wofull experiences, that in the frownes and angry fore- heads ofgreat men,are infolded many times many fecret com- plots ofcunning crueltie, and platafible malice : which when time ferves,fall full heavy upon the hearts and heads ofinferi- ours,which arenot in all points pliable to their humours. And out of Inch carnall confederations as thefe,by a raft) unadvifed yeeldingneffe , they toooften plunge themfelves handover head into unworthy engagements,andbecome infiruments of ill offices; the bafeneffe and iniquitie whereofdoth afterward in cold blood ftrike full cold unto their hearts; and leaves a gafhand grievous wound in their confciences, comforts, and Chriflian reputations, + At fuch entertainements and tables of Great men, not friends to the truth 3 thou wilt, be ready told® itthy morfdt, PM* and thalt If thy fieat, s 4,rds Thy daintie fare may bee fliwcrid 1,-,,-rhaps withmany bitte/' g;rds nth rtten talke, enforced