Bolton - HP BV4500 .B62 1634

84 Genera& directions for a .111.11111..i.dY 4 Surrepunt etiam a enforced Itealths, if not empaifoned with blarphetnies, ob feenlo ac vo- 2bra2 fre =ales and horrible oathes. Thy muficke wilbe merry lyes, quent_r luptatibut 3 clan. failed jefts, fcofsand faarrilitieS, agairxft Gods bell ferval t acre aurco non potes; probibere & the Kingsbe ft fubjeas; commonly calumniated as peffilent putaturfuperbis: fellowes.For Co the Church complaines, Lam.3.63.Ieon their currepunt etiam pram volunta.. Mtipcv. Few feafts, where the founder is not Gods friend, cam pocula. but after his goodfellowgnatsbe well heatedwith variety brof. 4,2°. . EuforrEc dy- of difhes, and firong drinke ; as their faces b are inflamed 1AP,Q.'"'"')`"P:"' with fiery refleetions one from another, fo their hedrts will AVIS s4. S. b yn theirfaces bee be enraged with mutual! infeftion of furious malice, to belch remetimereene the out moll prodigious dunghill villanous lyeshammered by the exprep tokens of this intemperance. very fouleft Fiend in the darkef1 nooke of hell, againfl thole ntong oy aud n &wizen- againfl glut- that are true of heart : - Lord, thou knowell The comple. wire. mentall formes and flourifhes of thy welcome, may proove as a pitfall to plunge thee into fotne difhonourable imploy. ment,or one way or other tobetray theeto an uncomfortable entanglement of thy confcience. So that if thy generous fpi- rit will nobly rife againft fuch froth and folly, ribaldry and railing,the unworthy degenerations of tilde worft times; if it be fenfible pr Gods clifhonotar, the diCgrace of the Saints, and thineowne danger ; thou canft not diode but be weary of fuch good clime. Nay, befides the refolution of thy jadgement, that in fuch a cafe thou wouldeft farre rather have Payed at home with a dinner of greene hearbs, then to have thine cares fo grated, and heart grieved all the while at- a great table ; even innature thou (halt fare worCe. For thy juft indignation (I-if-contentment and fadneffe, upon filch ground , will naturally contra& thine heart, thicken thy blood, chill thy fpirits ; that natural! heate will faint and faile in the ordinary current and cattle of concoakm. No mar. wile thenthough thoube readier to vomit thy models, then to rejoyce in tholehigh intertainnaents or varietyof meffes, which are diffweetenedwith fuch diftaftfull and bitter mix- tures. And thou fbalt loofa thyAfoot words bothofhumanity, and Chriftignity. fot the fitft ; out of the ingenuous fimpli. city andhotiteftyof thy heart, thouwilt rcturne reall, fincere, aftetionAte demonittations of thankefulneffe , for mere differnbled'.