comfortable walking with God. lie..wag......wa. diffembled formall ceremonies of entertainement and wel- come. For the other;thou fLaltbe fo farre from finding a free and comfortablevent and entertainement to any good tale ; that if thou meddle that way, thou marreft all the mirth. Mention of heavenly things,ourlafl account,the life to come, judgements againft finne, priviledges of the Saints, happi- neffeof the holy Ones,&c. which might fweetly leaf on, and as it were, fanetifie their meeting , and thole goodcreatures of God they fo plentifully enjay ; wouldprefently calf all the company into dumps of melancholy., The Word of Ged,writupon tihe wall in the very height and ruin of his greate jollitie andrevelling, did make theheart, joynts and knees of that mighty King Belfh4zzar to tremble, as the leaves of the forrefi when they are fhaken with the winde. How often may we obferve many goodly and gracious dif- courfes buried in the bofome of menof underftanding and worth, placed below, by reafon of the domineering talka- tiveneffe, and imperious ignorance ofCome filken Idoll fitting at the headof the table ? Horfes , and Hounds and Hawkes, devoure full often and eate up not onely fpirituall and holy, but even all morall and manly talke. For the more convenient declining and prevention ofany enfnarement and inconvenience in this kinde ; let mee coin- mend to the Chriftian fuch cautions and confiderations as thefe i. Ever before thou enter out of thy doores , upon any eccation, bufineffe, journey, vifitation ; weigh well with due. deliberation, in the ballance of an holy wifedome , all cir- cumflances, concurrents, company, probabilitieof all events, and confequents on both fides of flaying at home , or going abroad ; vifiting this or that friend ; under-taking that or the other bufineffe ; and ever conftantly encline and refolve that way, which 'in all likelihood will bring molt glory unto God , good unto others, and comfort unto thine owne confcience. Let it onely bee the tinfoil libertie of hopeleffe worldlings , to walk their time and labour ; ( for theneedleffe expence of every moment-of the aro 8 5'