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es. Generall direclions for a Onie. .1110<11111111 one,and motion of theother, they mull very fhortly be full dearely accountable at Gods lividTribunall ) in thole im- pertinent vagaries and idle vifitations , which have noother motive, but adefire to be rid of time, and to fee& a gadding aEd reflleffehumour ; no other end, but vanity or vaine-glo- rie ; no iffue, but temptation, and greater difabilitie to good dutizs.But let every wifely re folute and truly judicious Chri- lian difdaine,howfocver worldly wifedomederide it,to flep over his threfhold without a warrantable Calling, aime at Tome honeil end, probable fcrefight of fome good to come thereon, honour toGod, furtherance of forne good caule, good unto our brethren, difchargc of fome dutieof our Cal- king, performanceof Chriflian offices, ofcharitie, humanitie, naturall afEetion, mutuall comforting, confirming, refrain, ing, and building upone another in our me holy faith ,sand the like. Othervvife bee fhall be in great danger to returne home farce worie, then when he went out ; laden both with moreperfonall guiltinc ff., and acceffarineffe to others finnes ; bleeding with fome frefh bruife of confcience , by fAing fcandaloully,or failing in fome Chriftian dutie ; growne into a further difacquaintance and eflrangem ent fromGod; deep- herfunke, perhaps,into Come finfull focietie, and fen fuall con- formities with men of this World. Some actions, I conieffe , and undertakings in their owne a Mtn r"is nature, and in refped of theobjea, st as the Schoole-men confideratur stet. , g. Secundam ra- fpeake,are indifferent but cloathedwith circumaances, and i°nelniqualni°r" individuatedby the adnall working of a particular Agent, titur ex redo ob- taio abfque cir- are not fo, but neceffarily become morally good or evill , to VT I, it a .nStetics;nclam the doer. And therefore the affertion of b Catarim in the t.ationem quam Councell of Trent , to this purpofe , was confonant to the fortitur ex obje- &o cum omnibus pinionofthe greater part of thecSchoole men: Everyparti. circurnfiantiis, fi- nis;loci,temporis,&hu)ufmodi. Primo modo contingi t dari aaum indiarentem, qui nec eft bonus, net malus, &c. See Durand. 2. 'Dift 40. q. 1. It may not wellbe dented, that all aftionr of moonulled with theofi of rearon, aregenerally either good or evil. Hooker. 1.z. Soft 8. of Eerie bHat. of the Ottne. of Trent. par.196. cThem. e. !icon& quaff. rp. Art 9. Nullus individualis aetus oft indiffcrens. 4.41her.z. dift40.0r4. q. RicharTV.4o. ar sq. pDar.2.`Difi.4o. q.z. See alfoEN. aft. Ham. q.g. Adiones humans, Pith he, confiderantur : x. Vet fecundum fpeciem, & in aair agent°. Sic admittuntur quidam a&usbunsani fecundbm fe, & ex naturefua indifferentes. a. Vel fecundum individual% eit Yelut eta exercito. Et ticDui* humax aftiones fans indiffcrentes. atibi