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comfinlable walking with God. 187 easommowd. cubsr atiiosa, Paid he, isgoodor evil!, neither id there to beefound 49 one indifferent : hee meanes in the fingular and a6Iuall ex- ifience ; in the general! there may. Recreation is of it felfe, and in it owne nature indifferent ; but drawne into exifience and exercife, put inpraetife, and putting on circumfiances, it will ever become unto thee either finfull , or fantlified. If reaifiedhy fuch rules as I have formerly delivered for that purpofe ; it may proove comfortable : but flaind trith pro- phane company , a fenfuall end, immoderate delight, none. ceffity in refpec of weariednefre of bodie, or tiredneffe of minde, vaine expenfe ofprecious time due toholy duties, or di charge ofour Calling, it may pro ove curfed. It is Co alto in the prefent point ofvifitations. 2. Although the Apoffle, r. Cor. 10.27. in thefe words ndye be difpofed togoe] intimate, that it is not ut- terly and abfolutely unlawful' upon any occafion for a Chri- flian,efpecially ifinvited, to via an irreligious man; yet let none who defircs to preferve peace at home in his owne bo- fome, prefuma hereupon to plunge himfelfe hand over-head into any unwarrantable engagements and correfpondencies withworldly men; or build hence a licentious conceit ofany allowance to communicate himfelfepromircuoufly with fa- miliarity or content, either by way of invitation or vifitation to all commers,all company. It is a foule figne of a falfe heart, and a fellow , that at lengthwill certainely fall away ; to ex- pea, entertains, and enjoy with equall patience and delight the Worlds Favourites, and Gods Friends: to bee as open. hearted, open, handed, and open-houfed to a good-fellow , as to a gracious man. E.,ery true-hearted Nathoinee/ rightly informed, and well aduifed, cannot chute but apprehend, ac- knowledge and feels a vali and unv.aluablediffiyence , he- tweene the fweet heavenlycommunion, and confident com- munication of heart-fecrets with faithfull fruitful! Chrifli- ans ; and the irkefome intrufions, vexing vaineglorious re- dioufneffe, and frothly conferences ofcarnall men. If any of Gods children therefore,at any time bee difpofed to takeany lalgwameand encouragement from this place, to invite, or vifit