comfortablewalking withGod. I with prayer, premeditation, watchfulnefn, ace. to purifie and preferve their owne foules from fpirituall infect 2. Secondly, in cafe of thine owne falety ; but fo, that in fodoing, thy fincere heart bee notconfcious unto it felle, of flavifh diftruft, falfe feares, prejudice of Gods provi- dence, reliance upon the arme of Mb, &c. But that it appre- hend and approove upongood ground, and out of an holy wifedome, the prefent occafion, whether of invitationor vifitation, as a comfortable means offered by Gods good hand to mitigate the malice, and mollifie the hearts of thole which might doe thee a milchiefeJt was the faying ofa wife f Iran, that he would rather have a Dogge to fawne upon him, then barke at him ; and barke at 'him onely, then bite him. Whereby hee intimated thus much, as I conceived that Gods children fhouldnot out of anauftere, fowre, un- warrantable retiredneffe exafperate and enrage unneceffa- rily the too much already alienated affedions of the contra- ry minded; buffo farre as they may, without wound of confcience, {bineof their innocency, or imputation of fpi- cowardlineffe,obferve themwith fuchcommon offices of humanity, whichmay dif infierce and keepe them, if not hearty friends, yet at leall (which in thefe corruptefi and angry times we hold a degree of happineffe) -moderate and ingenuous enemies, Ifimc may bee an inflance in this fecond cafe,who for a more confident fecurinr, ofhimfelfe,and com- fortable fettling of his peace, invited Aiwnelech and his fol- lowers to a Feet, gen. 26. 3o. To the fame purpofe, /4c61 lent a prefent to Efate, Genef32, 20. and promifed to vi- fit him at Seir, Gene!: 33, 14. But now at Inch times, and fuch company, thou hacift need put on a great deale of courage and patience wifeclome and watchfulneffe , and warily decline twoobvious errours,and dangerous extremes ; furious zeale,and faint-hearted fitence ; of which feebefore, i 9. 3. Doe not fo diftaine thy worth and worthy hopes; difcover not fuch extreme weakeneffe and truebafenefle of minder referable not fo mere the fearefuil folly of obnoxi- OLN