Bolton - HP BV4500 .B62 1634

190 en.erall directionsfor a Osismoseesseasscsamogesseer toom.... r. ous and vaine-gloriousworldlings ; as to Puffer the eve and excellency of thineheavenly Spirit, to be any whit dazeled ordulled with formal! aff:eted glitteringof outward glory ; as tohunt with fawning terrour, after the tranfitory favour of worldly greatneffe, to adore worthleffe Magnificoes,and the worldsMinions withundAerved flattering attributions ; and with ambitious affectation, to contend for their counte- nance and uncomfortable correfpondence with them. The greateft man without vertue and grace, though never foglo- rioufly enriched wit h humane felicities, is but as a dead car- kaffehang over with jewels ; a very fpeetacle of commife- ration, to every fpir ituall eye ; even as that body is, which adorned with a goodly feature, and many other admirable beauties, yet wanteth eye-fight,the comfort of life ; where- by it walkes in perpetuall darkeneffe and defperate danger. Goodneffe, though attendedwithcontempt and difgrace, is incomparably more amiable in the eye of an honeft Cato; mach more of an holy Chriffian, then all the vaine. glorious boillerous reprefentarions of any greatnefle or pompe. Me- morable and remarkable to this purpofe, was the magnani- mity and refolution of that holy Proptrt, 2 King's 3. 14. als the Lordof hefts liveth, befrewhom I17 and, Surely were it not that Iregard the pretence of leholop6t the King of IN. dah, Iwoold not looke toward thee, ,nor fie thee. Miferable then is the vanity and vaine-glorious flavery of filch as with great eagerneffe and impotencyhunt fo ambitiouff y after high clependances, and hold it a range happineffe to infinuate into thebofome of the worlds Favourite: ; though it be by bale- flea, bribery, an univerfall obfcquioufneffe, and vile accom- modations. They, many timeswith vanting intimation al- fo to others, proudly applaud and pleafe thcmfelves for their acceffe, countenance, and entertainment with Great men; as though it argued in them Ionic rare extraordinary fuffici- ency and worth ; when as perhaps it is their owne flattering infinuations and intrufion ; their inftrommtall agency and imployment in fume ill offices, lewdCervices ' whichbrings them into inch requeff andacceptation. Bat let fuchknow, it