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comfortable walking with God. 191 it is a thouland times more comfort and true credit to be re- ceived, with Chrifflan loveand armes ofgrace,into the heart and aff!aionsof a good man ; then tobe entertained with greatell bravery and worldly applaule, into grace and favour with thegreateflgraceleffe One upon earth. For alas?, when a manhath done all he can to pleafe the humours of ungodly great Ores, by an u confcionable fatisfacction of their care nail &fires; and to gratifie them, bath unhappily grieved his owne conlcience ; he canat laft , vc hen Gods dreacifull vifi- tation and flaming vengeance (hall feize upon him for that finne, looke for no better reward and reply, then that cold comfort and cutting anCwer, whch ludas in theextremitie of his anguifh and horrour received from the high Priefls and Elders, Math. 27. 4. That curled man came unto them, ready, out of the rage of his vexed confcience , to teare his traiterous heart out of his body with his owne bloody hands, and threw the thirtie pieces of /liveramongft thermand cryed out, Ihave finned, in that I have betrayed the innocent blood; , But wl-,at recomperice doe they returne for his imployment in villany, to ferve their tome ? Their reply is, What if that to See thon to that. And filch a man 'fhail certainely in the day of difireffe , bee inforced to takeup fome rufull com- platnt,proporrionable to Wolfeyes heavy groane ; HadIBeene carefull to ferve the God of Heaven s my great cAtaller on earth,H, had never left mee inmy, gray /mires. And we fee in themune time, favour is deceitfuA and craofitory even ilt private men ;mut h more in great perf,mages: The volubilitie ofwholenature is fboneglu red; and very variable forkinds of fatisfa3ion. A thoufand experiences in all Stories and times teach us ; how irregular, and many times retrograde the, revolutions of higheft favours runne. They have their par-, oxyImes and declinations, and ever at kngth their moll cer.- taine expiration and everlafting period. But on thk other ficle,contcioufileffe: of havingheld an uno fained fruitfull correfpondence and communion withGods, l' ogle ; the onely excetent Ones, by all neerefl and deareft engagements and obligations of a profitable and comfort.. able