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192 Genera/I dire ions for a it able fellow (hip in the Gofpell, and mutuall entercourfe of godly conference , heavenly counfell , fpirituall encourage- merits, confideration one ofanother, confirmation ingrace , and well-grounded tcftification of meeting together in hea- ven, will incomparably more refreth the trembling heart of a dying man, then ifhee had beene crowned all his life long with the imperiall glory of all earthly kingdomes. And in the meant time there is nothing in this world tobeadmired, but the illuftrious fpendour of heavenly graces , fhed and fhining fromGods mercifull Throne, byhis fan1ifying spi- rit, into the routes of the Saints. Neither any thing fo to bee defired , no fuch prerogative and Paradife in this vale of tearer; as a mutual! communicating of their divine bright- neffe, and the fweete joy iffuing thence, avery,glimpfe and earnefl ofeverlafting glory , to the humble hearts one of a- nother. 4. When thou vifiteft others, or thy felfe invitefl them take notice ever before hand , with as punftuall and fpeciall furvey, as thou canft pofftbly, of their humours, difpofiti- ons,carriages, opinions, andbehaviours ; and thereupon pre- meditate and prepare convenient and feafonable matter; whereby thou mayeft more fucceffively addreffe and apply thy felfe withail meekenc fie of wifedome and patient dif- cretion , to intimate , interpofe, argue, anfwer, reproove , reply, and fo demeane thy felfe in thy whole difcourfe, that through thy default, neither the glory of God , the honour of his Truth, the reputation ofChriftianity , or thineowne confcience, receive any indignity, difgrace , diminution or wound. Would Chrifbans take this counfell , hold this courfe - they would at fuch times, not fo oftendepart with fpirituall difcontent, and fo finitten with confcioufne ,e after- ward, of their filence, omi Mons, cowardlineff; and unpro- fitableneffe in companie. For want of care and confcience in this point, countrey people meete many times in their Conventicles ofgood fellowfhip, at Ale-houfes, Bike-hou- fes, Goffippings,as they call them, &c. as at acommon Mart of Tale-telling, back-biting , difgracing their neighbours , raging