194. Genera11 direeliets fora Roryof hell, then for thecommunionofSaints. Neither are higher placesand great feafts free from fuch froth and tranf- cendent villanies of the tongue : Becaufe there the moft hold it a point ofprecifeneffe , to make confcience of their conference, fay to themfelues, Our lips are our owne, who IJ Lordover us ? Pfal. 1 2. 4. labour more to furnifh themfelves before-hand with complemental! phrafcs, formes offlattery, ilouriches ofwit, varietie of jefts, and other vaineglorious oftentations of courtly ornaments , then with any one word ofthe Word ofGod, world to come, or the way to heaven. They, I fay, therefore, too often unworthily difhonour filch meetings with much unnoble deportment in their difcourfe. Betides other deformitiesand indignities, how feldome thall we finde great Tables and folemne Rafts, without that cur- led tillojfeke, mentioned, Lament. 3.63 ? But oh, how infi- nitelyvnworthy is it a man of honour and worth, to fuffer withpatience,any roguifhFiddler, fcurrill Iefter, or ftigma. ticall forme ofBella!, to fall ionic upon thofe mon, the trueft Nobles upon earth, Pfal. x6. 3 it Ofwhom, and the time is at hand, even the proudefl of them all , repenting and groping, for anguifhof fpirit , will fay , nay with hideous yellings roare out : Theft were they whomwehadfimetimes in derifione andaTroverbo ofreproach. We fades recounted their life mad- nefe, and their end to be without honour : but how are they now membredamingfl the childrenpf god, and their lot is among the Saints ? Therefore have we erred from the way ofTrutb, Where is now the braveryandpompe ofourhigh places ? the earthly Paradife ofour dcareft pleafures ? theRolebuds,with which wee crowned our (elves in the fpring of our youth They are all withered, vanifhed, and come tonothing , they are paffed away like a fhadow, as the remembrance ofa guefi that tarrieth but a day ; nay, as a Poet that hafiethby.. Thus much alfo ofVifitations. Now, I I I. Concerning natural! al ions , as meate , drinke fleepe,&c. I than not fay much. For were it not,that through the curie of nature, wee wofully befot even common fence, and infatuate our rcafon with feufualiry and wilful! blind- neffe3