comfortablewalkingwith God. 195 neffe ; every man might bet a rule unto himfelfe, for tem. perance , and moderation this way. Hence that proverbe bath its probability, Everyman is eithera Poole or APhyfition. Either he hath learnt by manifold experience,andobfervation of the fiate,exigencyand ability ofhis owne body;what fea- fons andproportions` f filch natural! helpes may be fitteft for his temperamentand conflitution ; or elfe he is molt unwor- thyof that noble thing, an underftanding foule, which he beares in his bofome. For the firft,Gluttony, fulneffe of bread, one of Sodom s fins;which as the Schoolemen fayout of a Gregory ,confifts in Ezech. 649. thefe fivepoints : i, In an over-burdening of nature with taetaie"2": PA; new snatter, and more meate, before the perfection and peri- quinque nos mo- od ofconcoClion have railed a kindly appetite, 2. In acud- tdenistaria mivgiurianu7 ous hunting after coftlineffe , variety and daintineffe of fare, do namque 3. Ina luxurious affeetationof too much Art, andexaCtneffe ilracivte11::771:11n- in dreffing and preparing it. 4. In exceff2 and immodera- do ver6 tempful Lion in refpeCt of the quantity. 5. In a fenfuall fury of the crofrzvicaluTiLeg appetite after good cheere. I fay, this unmanly monfter and Lurk : a litivairt Tyrantof the belly, as Chryloflome cals it, loth at this day daisungtupzrzprnareari raigne as generally, and cry as loud, asany finne I can upon atictcurfiaasndem: the fuddaine remember fo little contradiCted. (And yet there-ten,' a auqualtati are many fouleand fcarletabominations, contempt of godli- nein, vnworthy comming to the Sacrament, vfury, idleneffi, ipra c;antitate many hatefull baits and enticements to !mit ; as nakedneffi ru, Zendimorrnat of brefts /and wrifts, abhorred filth ! painted b faces, falCe refedionis exec- c hair; monflrous fa(hions,&c. which arenot taken toheart vdeitr:6NInnaritms in any proportion to their execrableneffe ; againft which, eft quod deficleras flu immenfi clefiderii deteritls peccat. Prxpropere, laute, nimis ardenrdr, ftudiofe. b sapid fact in fa- cieChrifhaux purpuriffus, & ceruffa ?. Q2prum aherum ruborem genarum, labiortirnque mentitur; alterum candorern oris, & colli, ignis 'overturn, &menu libidinum, rmpudica mentis mdicia. Q40. modo flere poteft pro peccatis fuis, quz lacrymis cutem nudat, & fulcos ducit in facie 5 QL1S, fiducia erign ad caelum vultus, quos Conditor non agnolcir S Hieron. ad Fariarn de Attu vidaali. Epti1.24., gulf. 3.Trad.7.Fol.59. cAudaci conatu & finite& contemptu trines rugs inficis,rnalo prafagio futurorum, capillosJarn tibi flammeos aufpicaris-. Non means oro qux talis es, ne cum refurreetionis dies ye- nerit, Artifex tints to non recognofcat, & ad fua prxmia & pronnfla venientem, removeat et exclu- dat ? increpans vigore cenforis et Iudicis cheat: Opus hoc meum non ea, nec imago hmc noftra cutem falfo medicamine poLuifti, crinem ad wrero coiore mutifti, expugnata eft mendacio facies, figura corrupta eft, vultus alienus ea. Deum videre non- poreris, cum& oculi tibi non cunt quos Deus leek a fed quos Diabolus infecit. &liana 'De Zifciphn. er Habit. Virlia. mint. 0 2 Pulpits