196 GeneraII directions, or a averaltwo.racseas... imams...wade Pulpits are too filent, and the times digeft without any great remorfe and reclamation.) We, lift up our voices loud againfl drunkennefre, and it is high time ; for it growes towards-anhigh tide,and threatens; without timely and refolnte oppofition, a lamentable inunda- tion to the whole Kingclome.Whereashis feloW foule fiend; gluttonous revelling; cares up Gods creatures with abomi. nableexcefre, farre more unobfervedly and uncenCured ; and yet it is a workeofdarkenefre, and damnes as well as drun- kenneffe.Rom. I 3. i 3.... Gal. 5.'2r. nay, and that more dange. roufly, becaufe more infenfibly. Topreferve thee faire and free,not onely from wallowing in this beaftly finne, which is proper to , but even from any touch and allappearance ofit, takenotice ; Nay, to fire themolt ravenous fenfualift out ofthis fwinifh filth, lethim alio confider; z. Firft, That even that fin full fuperfluity , by which bee flayeth his owne body ( for byfierfeting , faith thewifeman, have manyperiflied) might very comfortably revive the hun.. Vnus gulping gry,faintinnand fuftaine the languishing life of d many made cxPendi"nPif6°. ofthe fame mould, and farre better then hinnfelfe. So that, bus, uncle vigintt pauperes fatis ha- upon the matter, there is, as it were a double murder. How berent de pan,ein then are filch good creatures ofGod fanEtified by Word and ciao fratres i.os de portione fua - prayer, z.Tim.4. . to filch luxurious Fratricides, unmercifully tiefraud3' rnindleffe of Iofips_affliaions-?: or how doe they eate to the putare gratuitvin quad ,impendis gi4ory ofGod ? 1.Cor, 0. 31-. whs., nolts , De- bitor CS. T(114. 2. Whereas thoulnighteft enjoy an active , able, health; eSocroes kMd.6.1 full , and lightfome c body ; which is an happineffe to bee fd altwaieto a have prizedabovegold, riches , infinite wealth ; By thine intempe- fhlnS ard-rancy this way, thou fillcit it with cruelties, rhcurnes, ob- ta have lived eve f evhealth., "'Tay* t: al rm-lions, , and many wofullf diftempers. The Pother repotted of thathy goodorder Of Or, he ercaped the platy at .4 then, never avoyding the City, mor the company ofthe infetted whereas thegreatefl part-of the City was confirmed. Haven ofhealth. chap. 243 gailen re- palet!) ofhimfeife lily. 5. cap. t. De fanit wend: That after 28, yeeres ofass ( andhe lived, as Sipontinus writeeb, 140. jeeres, and diedonely through fee. blenefre tic natare) he was nevergrieved with anyfickneffi, ex- ceps the grudgeea Fever ofone day. Nov hie roles werechiefl1. 1. Never to care anddrinke hie fill. 2. Never to eate any raw thing 3. To have alweiesConte rweete favour about him: Theprefervatien of health is, to rife from the Table with an appetite. Hypocra.Epid,Sex.4.Apb,3o Tennis arena' fanitatismater.afrffi. How. 55.4cipop...4atiocb. f Pcdumdolores, & capitis gravedines , & vertigines; & rnanuurn etuziattn,,& tre mores, & remiffierles, et ateklate9; et 1011gX febres; et aeftuotzset alia his trtilte phst anon ex indige4- ;:a,parcaque viCtu,,fed cx copula, et faturitate iaalci foletst,aryfoli ibid. p4A00'