comfortable walking with God.- 197 paint,: ofwatching, andcholler,andpangs ofthebelly, are with a inlatiable man, faith the Wife man. Many a one complaines ofhis head , for fending done fo much theme, the mother of all maladies. But the head might well anfwer as one fain wittily, Defineflindere 05- egodefinamfinere : Be thou fo ber inpawing down,, and I will beeffraringhs dropping dome Doe not thou diftemper with exceffe, and I will diftill leffe. The flomacke furcharged above the fpheare of its aeli- vity, , as they fay , and power ofnatural! heate , by immo- derate cramming or heaping upon it more meate , before the former bee concocted; like a fire beginning to burne loader) withgreene wood, engenders many fmoaky clouds as it were, ofraw fuperfluous fumes; which afcending into thebraine, and refolved by the coldneffe thereof, as vapours in the middle region ofthe aire raine downe into thebody abundance ofrlicume , the fource of all fickneffes, dii1em- persand difeafes ; gowts, dropfies,aches, confiamptions, lies, and other innumerlle maladies. As therefore thou wouldeft not with a dramof fwinifh pleafures purchafe a pound of exquifite paine, rife from the table with an appetite. 3. Continuanceof life, is a deare indulgence from God, and to be highly prized ; both of theunregenerate , that hee may yet repent and make his peace with God, before the pit of deftrudionhath {hut her mouth irrecoverably upon him; and alfoof the Chriftian , that bee may doe more nobly yet, make his eledion yet Purer, with fuller conqueft trample upon his bofome lufl,ard bodyof death ; grow into aneerer fellowfhip and communion with his God; and looke backe upbn as much timeas he can polibly get fpent fincerely in his fervice , before heLocke his Captaine Chrifi Iefuc in the face; who bath fo dearely bought hitn,and will foglotioufly crowne him. Now this foule excefle and fulneffe offeeding robs us ofthis Iewel befOre our time,andthorteneth yet more our already {port fpanne of living in theworld. Flee that die- teth hin9filfi,prolongeth iife,faith the Wife man.Therefore it followes by a conicquence ofcontrariety ; he that is greedy 0 3 upon g Voleptas qui- elcm ad gamut uf quc pervenit , & linguanni remoti n a mq;.mensi,vet vora tocibo,firni. Lis eft illi, qui non guitavit, Imo Ion. pejor,onera in- de ferens,& capi. cis gravedinem & fornnum morn fimilem : frequen- ter autem & in- fomnium ex cra- pu1 & przciufione, et c. ru&ationcabid,