I 98 Genera11 direct-lionsfor a 01.1 upon meates, puts a knife unto his throate. Whereupon, faith one,manybyovermuch eating,and continuall feafts,ftifle Nature,and choakeup thernfelves; whichhad they fed courfe. ly or like Gally-(laves beetle tyed to an oare ' might have hap - pily prolongedmany faire yeeres. And a noble learned Knight inquiring the cattle of our (bort livedneffe in thefe Ian times in refpeft of former, renders fuch reafonsas thefe T. The tender bringing upof children, firil fed and nou. rifhed with themilkeof a ftrange Deg; an unnaturall curio-Ci- ty having taught all women (but the Begger) to find out Nudes., which neceffitie onely ought to commend unto them. 2. The 'laity marriages in tender yeeres, wherein Nature beingbut yet greene and growing, we rent from her and re- plant her branches, while her felfe bath not yet any root e fuf. ficient tomaintaine her owne top ; and fuch halfe ripe feedes (for the moil parr) in their growing up, wither in the bud., and waxe old even in their infancy. 3 But above all things, the exceedingluxurioufnefreof this gluttonous age, wherein wee refit. Nature with over weighty burdens, and finding her ilrergth defeaive, wee take the worke out of her hands, and commit it to the artiti- ciali helpe of SackeTobacco,ftrong Waters, hot Spices, pro. yoking Sawcese&c. As thou wouldefl then not abridge thy dayes, and beguilty of thine owneuntimely death, doe not gormandize. Never any man given to his belly, did nobly inany kir,d, or ever performed any great worke ; but ordinarily prooves a I winifh idle unprofitable burden of theearth ; and ...i4ab, =imamhath his fettle °tidy, as they fay, for & filt to keepe his body pro fae. tai, feat fromputrelatiion. The excellency andactivity of thefoule din o ere prayer,, is quitedamps, and utterly difabled from all deepe and divi. T;IzePre hit bads net contemplations, from all noble atchievements and im- igtirkin;ab"e ploiments of, waight by the burtiknfome folueffeard a dui- isNih Ito fiunt afim ncireof a gluttonous body: Wee can never Tooke for great nis matters from that Man, which better rehfheth fweet.lawces, ra,,ralium merda- mp delicias reitanms,Chryfoft. liona.55. adpop. 'Antioch. - then