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cornfortabk walkingwith God. 199 1...assisesoeIaromm then the fweetneffe of doing vertuonfly ; and barb a better palate' thenbraine. All the greateft perfonages of the world, and thole that have excelled any way, either in managing af faires of Kingdomes, warlike exploites, heavenly, moral!, or manuall skill, 8ze have beetle lobe!. Even amot igff . thevery Heathens, as Cyrm, Cerar, the Romane Cter6, and Fa6r4, more ennobled and renowned for their frugality, then famous viaories. But nowon the contrary, the molt execrable monffers for villany, cruelty, luxury, unnaturallim. purity, that ever lived, havebeene gluttons, as the b Sodo, t Ezech, a.45; mites, c Caligssla, &c. As therefore thou would& not e Luxus fuit per drowne, and dull the powers of thy foule in the fottifhnefle teeW: 1:1 panes of filch dung - hill exceffe; but have them at command for the auratos habuerit. ,ready exercife and improVement of their beft abilities,at time 314etn. of need, and fora comforta le difchargeofboth thy Cal. lings care moderately. Soundfleepe commeth of moderate ea. tins, faith the Wile man, be rifethearely , andhie wits are With him; to wit, able,a6tive and ftrong for any undertaking. For as the foule ought not with carking thoughtfulneffe, falre feares,unneceffary deje,9ion, to a' fliel a ;d walk the body:fo neither ought the body by any fen tuall i.dulgence and intern- perancy, to weakenand emalculate the foul ; butboth body and foule fhould ferve one another in fobriety and rnoderati. on ; that the wholeman may be more finfcientlyand cheare- fully ferviceable tohim that createdboth bodyand foule for that purpofe. S. The very Hechens by the light'of reafon, did abomi- nate withmuch mortall indignation, the fliperfitious vanity and curiofities of this fwinifh finne. A Bull, laith dSeneca, d Taurus pancifil. will be fild with a pafture of a few Acres one Forreft will morum ogeruars fiiffice many Elephants. But fcarce the Aire with all her Ftc. ri; nu! e" Fowle, the Sea with all her Fifh,the Earth with all her Roots phantis pluribus and riches, will fati,fie the infatiable Gut of a gluttonous tructffiracit Epicure. And therefiredaith he, we may well ranke and reckon marl, Quzfitifa, ma Jars ncn flu, tibusmitimantur miracula auium, longinqui maxis pifces, remporic Foam, z freivedsiffiliclibtea; nz rofz. Hornmes itaquewind &Dedicates, animalitun loco numertmas, non hommuns. : quota.alt. IcrO ne auimalitun guidon, fcd mortuornm. 0 4 men