Bolton - HP BV4500 .B62 1634

General! direionsfor a IM....II..... .....1,11=1.111 alone, the true worfhip-of Godwas tonfinde, when all the World befides lay drowned in Idolavy and Paganifme ready lobe fwallowed up intoan_univerfall grave ofWaters,whicb was already fafhioned in the clOuds by the angry, unrefifiable handof thealbpoWerfull God,who- was now fo implacably, but molt juftly provoked by thofe rebellions and cruel! gene- rations,that He would not luff:er His Spirit to flrive'any more With them ; but inexorably refolved to open the windowe3 or flood-gates of heaven,giving extraordinary atengthof in- fluence to the Stars, abundance to the Fountains of the great deepes,cornmanding them to call out the whole treafure, and lieapeof their:waters ; and takingaway the retentive power from the clouds , that they might powre ddwne imm.eafara- bly, for the burying of all living creatures- which breathed in the ayrd : Noah andhis family excepted. Fromwhenceby the,way.beforc I.breake into my Text, take this Note. Doar. The Servants of God are men of fingularitie : meane it not in refpea of any fantafticalneffeof opinion, fu- rioufneffeof zeale,or turbulencic of faftion, truely lb called: but in refpe&of abainence from.finne. puritieof heart, and:. holineffe of life. Reafins, : I, Gods holy Word exaas and expeas fromall that are new.borne , and Heires of ,Heaven,an excellencie z, 0.41am mato, bovec ordinary,. Prev.12-26 Illat.5.i6.and 47. Being taken- etforth cf the preeioil from the vile, lirem,I5. I 0. by the power au iivimus,et le viEof theMiniftery, they mutt not only goebeyond.the highest mus cafters , pats d CiV ill perfedions, of the exaCteil moral! Puritane amongfl- liberalcs , abfti- the moft honeft Heathens , Mb. 12. 1.4, but alto exceed the lentes,- modeflos *acmes, benignos, righteoufnefle, and all the outwardreligious conformities of et honors mundi fund a delicias the devouteft Pharife, .whofe fufficiences Lrik, I S. smzores ju'ilitixi many thoufands in thel.e times come fhort of , and yet hope .,6cpuentes. ,eta- "ir minas 'sii4rn tobe faved okthey can in no.cgfe enter into the Kinodooe of feientix Fr eciarn fineDeo hoimnes oftenclunt quale$ a Deo faai Cunt : vide quid glriilianit;acel.e iloffint,quo rum in trielius pet.Chtiflum natura et vita initrueta eft , et qt.i divinz.quaque ptatithluvlutur d Q12,x non torrrenra patiemor,qui cum jubeattur iurtitia CuperarePh4rifios, Geo. - aims quoque inferiotes jaceamus tZfernadriloctum i. tur, rtiponde qukro, aidcb, ur re;ir.U.,o futu- ruml Chr)rofillom.18., in caps. .Mat. .47 for thole vertue4 that helang.unto tmeali rigbte4i:iefft,-;nd hone fly we doe not mention them beegofe they are not proper unto Cnriftign-men,'46 they:W.6400, t doe onornt.;L-C,Y3 6-mo,Itiooker Ilb.3, of Iicelsfia.a.Politic.. 1-1e6ven., .