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00 General' direaions for a mengiven to the belly, aroongft briit beat? ,snot reafonablecrea- tures,nay,fOme ofthem notTo much itis amongfl _riving creatures, but rather loathfinne deadcarrion:. Now in a Second place, concerning exceftre in drinke Tr is not poffible, that any who bath givenhis name to the purity and power of godlines fhould plunge hirnfelfe into the hate- Ebrietas cairn full and horred dungeon of drunkenneffe , which ..-40.11in auu13a:inferernimp.pu. compares to the pit of Hell. In Read therefore of puriuing Serm.a. this foule Fiend, the proper familiar ofthe famesof73 dial,' will fpend a word or two about Healthing to which, per- haps,at fometimes, in fome company, thou art tempted with much fcornefull importunity ;. but after troubled in cold cimptergth,blood for having fo conformed to the faihion oftheWorld. .7 ,e TiTtP) And left oppofition to this exorbitant humour of the times , Rom,12.2, fhould be charged with toomuch precifeneffe and novelties will onely at this time in this point , acquaint you with the judgement , zeale, and noble indignation of the ancient Do- -dors,bothofthe Eaft and Weft Churches againft it. Many foule finnes are there in thefe laft andworn dayes, which elder times were exceedingly angry with,and all facred learningabominates, and yet I know not how , are fo tranf- formed , and incorporated into the affedionsand approbati- on oftheprefent times, that they rather goe in the efleeme ofthe molt, for hone{} recreations, Gentlemen-like fports, . tolerable trades , trifles not tobee taken notice of; Prodigi- ous impudencie !, then for workes ofdarkeneffe, and Satans fervices, as they are indeed.. Such as Stage-playes, mixt dan- cing, dicing, officious lyes,paintingoffaces, falfe bairepfury, healthing,&c.thefe and the like , areat this day fopainted o ver with fenfuall dawbing, and ftreines ofwit ; fo prevalent inmens affedions, fo impatient ofcontradidion, fo raging a- gainft any talke of reformation , and fheltered under the wings ofgood fellowfhip ; that theMinifter which meddles with them, (hail twenty to one,be ipfiMica ranke Puritane. Againft the rest I have upon other occafions difcharged the Ordnance ofAntiquity : Heare at this time what the Fa- thers fay againft Healthing, iimbrofi