comfortable walking with God. 203 ewnefislebefore God, wheibever di/daines to heave mee, and continuesfitll in hid humour of drinking or to adjure and urge others at their feafis , be full dearely anfwerable both for himf elle and themat theday ofludgersent. end becaufe,which ieworfe, even formmenof the Church 41 f 0, which ought tofor- kid it, even they serge others to drinkemore thent expedient; let them henceforwardbegin to amendthernfelves andreproove Above all; let meeintreate this at your hands, nay, ladiure r, Et illod ante you by thedreadfrill Day of itedg.ement that as often at, you mu- omnia rogo , totally invite one another, youwould abominate andabandonfrom rd. leer_rnt r efoindei your banquqs,ete the very plIon of thedevia,thatfilthy csflome, q:Sorer by which men are wo*nt either willingly orenifercedly todrint,e covIvia eunque ;Ivi- lygreat meafitrewithout meaft:tre,d-c. baleMart! fadana confuerusinern But thole paffages which are mare punanall tomy pm.- rer pram grandi pole,. are to bee found in the fecondSermon: wherein bee menhirs rue meets with thole ordinarie excufes , which they who arc trm4fura,. co conquerediand conforme to the company and times,are wont to pretend. But they are wont to fay,-faith hee, h Somegreat perfinetoo-i prefl me unto it, andurgedme to drinke more, andit WAS at the e' el)ceror: IP s Kings banquet, [could doe noother. : bibe'rerri 3 a Augin anfwers, Well faith he,. i Ifit come to thi1, that there nino:opr it befetidunto thee; Either drinke,or die; it were better thy {bet body wereflaine,then-thyfoule be damned Secondly, faith he ; k,r-huu but a frivolous. for d"nkenneff;`7,. teaL'rld uht° b ant murk.- fall liaeseetur, Aut bi- tence:for Kings andgreat men, becaufe by the mercies of God, melim erat, they-are Chriflianf, and wile, andfober, andfears Godwith all out.cci.te: a fobrIa filutely againfi that drunken. culltone alt their -heart ; they fee,_this out ofconRience thouJiands out re-- Per ebriec"ar= hough theyietme bee angry w;th theeforan hosre, orf; yet after, they will have iica falC6 thee ingreat adiniration,famg.: WC41, doe wehadwith him And withwhat threats and terrours, dtdwefright him, andyet 1:1: 1,1 ,!1oP seonit, tit), ct Chrifirani runt et fobrii. a toto mdc Deum timentes; G to viderint definifP- ut cis, non aea -t a pro timoreDei imbri24156 cibi tub hots videatirtir irafe ; poftea veto tein.gra-nsdi irrir via eat, criceutes Szann,,m corn ill° e;zimu,.? Qtla ti, cumminis, etterror bus Pat'gaiimus: ta.'r cn3P1' soam aim 4 obtietare feparlre Ootoirm,s N irn Deus, qui reviciet, per ejn-s a(nor-m incbriari "Ilea gAtlain eCi4Miliorum dabit quite, at amplius biberesvidebantor tiOrrari et coLerce, Q41 could