26 2 Genera direr ions for _a fl...W.N.WIMMIINWOOMPanienet quium 1 faith he; A fweete peace of pious devotion Cure I `Paul teacheth us another leffon , I Tim. 3. i a, That wee a Nam. x.i.,. in F. fhouldpray for thehealth and falvationof Kings. And there- brim& letzten. fore it was awife fpeechof a great man; Byyour leave, Iwill b Precedence/au- tem petatione, r ray-A for the Kings health anddrinkefir mine. owne. prodm in medium Great a Baia alfo paints them out, and the tathion of his tietinu412: times, in his SermonofDrunkenneffe to, this fence : b Then radlain v hof refri,,ne-grenTig to the heat,andheight of theirbctszingand banqueting, umerss fe- rmis. Is fubmoto there comes me our ayoung man,not yet drama, andbrings upon illorum pincetna, in mall° aftan hiefhouldersavef ell of cool -Pine ; andhe , the drawer with. per obliquas fialdrawne )(landing in the midil , loth derive and convey thorow las aquam*NIVI- Iris shittibuit ebri- fiverall crooked pipes, toall the goodfellowpeel's, &pallmeet- cam Novum lireofdrinke, and matter ofdrunkenneffe. 7hu0a new kindeof genus hoc menu; re, ubi nuhus fit mealure, faith he, where there is no mealsre of their ?mature , wencucz modus, that by equalitie of their cups, there be no grumbling amine tit per equalitTtecm",rui:theni,nor one deceive or circumvent another indrinking. . ter cos nulls fit Learned* iluflin in his Sermons ofavoiding drunkenneffe, invidia nee anus ilium 'bibe., ' Purfues this luxurious vanity and fwaggering exceffe in many do circumveniat, aut zealous paffages : amongft the reft,rnee- thinkes thefe fhould def-audet. °Y blip 7,4",,,f4,4, 11700Iie. - I en'c 44Petal 'ea it is now come to this,c'rhat at theirfeatsandbanrietangs, '44iw,i,-i ke"-,",,a' they laugh at rho which can drinke up; and-blufh not to adjure men by unfriendly friendfhip , that they would take moredrinks Te teMpore,fer. 235.6.333. then is meete, c vc in conviiiis d They blufh not to_1%111 oftentimes even untill theyvomit and tuffs irrideant cos, qui MitIUS bibere todrinke by meafUre without meafisre. .Greater cups are;nevi- ' Puffunt; & per dad. They contend by a certaine law of drinking; and bee that inimicam avaiciti- am adjsrare ho canovercome, getspolife by his horriblefinne. mines non ern' c Doe not adjure, dim not urge thy friend to drinke, but leave & bunt,ut potum , ampliiis accipiat, him tobirnfilie to drinke as muchas hepleats and if bee will "am °Pcn.t.1er° ; needs be drunke,let himperkalone,and be not both damned. d Frequentur et.- am ufque ad VQ- f Belovedbrethren, while I tellyou thefe things, Ifree mine rniturningurgitare Ire non ernbeiCiants& ad menturas fine meniurgibibere.Majorapocula providentur. Certi bibendi lege soncenditur (:)i poterit lit-were, laudem rnerctur excrimine. e Ad extreinsm, to cum noli adj:sarc noli cogcre.fed in potellate illius climitte, utquantum fibi placuent,b.bat3ct fi fc incbriare volueric,vel 19105 pereat,es non ambo pereatis. f Ergo fratres chatiihmi:durn hac fuggero,me abfolue -pad Doom Quicunque me awing contempferit , et ad bibendum proms fuerit; et pro fe,cr pro ilia in die lvdi- en rens erir. Et quia,quod pcjus eft, aliqui ,etiain Clerici, qui hoc deberent prohibere, ipfi cogunr N. here aliquos Flu>: quarn expeclit. Amodo incipiaot, et feipfos corrigereset allot cafligare,ate. OW