comfortable walking with God. 201 pige,.1*....M.ramesmoram.................01/10Mael eArnbrofe powres out hinfelfe in a mighty torrent of fa- cred eloquence , with much power and holy indignation a- gainft the Healebers of his time ; as you may fee in divers Chapters ofhis bookede 1-lelta,d- : his t 3. chapter is intituled,Depow ad xqtvales calsceJ; OFdrinking Healthes. the i 8.Chapter hebrings them in thus, in their fwaggering humour Let ass drinke, fay they, to the healthofthe Emperour, andwhofoeverpledgeth not huhealth, let him bee obnoxioge and gurltae in point of devotion. Higheft prophaneneffe Hateful] impietie I Shall an honeft (ober man, and faithfull fulafea, who loves the King dearelier then his owne hearts blood,and would willinglyboth out ofcourage and confcience, powre it out ifneed required, for the prefervation ofhis perfon ; be- fides Prayer for him in the Houle of God, and in his family, makes confcience alio of folliciring the Throne ofGraceor- dinarily twice or thrice a day in private, with heartineffe and fervency for chiefeft and choifeft bleffings upon his foule, hody,governement,pofteritie,&c. and ifany inconvenient and difcontented thought offer it felfe, repells it as a diabolical! temptation ? I fay : Shall filch an one, onely becaufe he dares not givehis name by revelling, to that curledcatalogue of carnal! condemned workes, Gal. 5. 2 t . T. Pet. 4.3. nor con- forme to the exorbitant riotuos humoursof the time, left he woundhis confcience, and weaken his power topray for him, bee queftioned ;bout his good intentions and well- wifiling to the King ? And (hall a fwaggeringGallant emp- ty many times ofall reall worth, and truely nobleparts ; one- ly audacious enough to expofe the crowned Majefly ofour earthly gods to cheapenefre andcontempt, by an unhallow- ed toffing thevenerable name of Soveraignty arnongft his Cups ; and in fleadofpraying, towhich bee is a meere ftran- ger , and holds it Puritanicall, provokes daily and homely, and pulls downer all, bee can Gods fierce wrath bothupon King and Kingdome,by his/5; aring, drinkjng,lying,whoring, arc. Hof. 4.1,2. I fay; fhall bee bee the Emperours onely friend? Whereupon the good Father immediately after, iro- nically abominates filch Bedlam folly ; 0 pi,edevotiani4 olfe- qtifium Bibarnus, une,profalute Ira: peratorm, aqua non biberet, fir it deenv :t onnoen. mare Irnperato- rem ; qui proejus calute nonbiberit.