Bolton - HP BV4500 .B62 1634

204 Generadire tons for a ....-.,,, , coald not loffibly feparate him .gom fobriet y. For that God whichfees,thatfor thy love to him:thole wouldefl not conforme to their drunkenfalhion, willgive theefavour even in their eyes, whofeemed toperfwade andpreffe thee todrinke more. Take noticeby the way, left any caufelefly Pleafe himfelfe in any of the fore-cited paffages ; becaule bee ufeth not to Health, untill he be fiarke drunke :that not onely thole are to be efteemed drunkards,fay Divines, who deprive themfelves of reafon and become brutifh ; but alio they whoaddia thetnfelves todrinking, and powre in exCeffively, though their braine will beare it without any great alteration. And a dreadfull woe dogs them at the heeles, afwell as the groffe drunkard. Ifisi.5.z2. See alfo i P 1 Nullus fe inebri- Akrflin forbidsboth : I Let no man be drunk!, faith he, let et, nullus in con- vivio cogat alium no man at anyfeatprep another to drinkemore then isfit. plus bbee,quarn Jerome alfo jumps with the former Fathers againft this oportet. Tera. Cabo. cowerfa. noble vanity m. It is anoccafion,faithhe,of acculation;as ifhe Tom 9.p.14.5o. fhould fay, a meanes to infnare a man in a fulpition of difloy-- rn Accufationis occafio eft adju_ alty,Not todrinke againe and againe when the. King is named. ratum per, Regem frequentius non But notonely theFathers by diviner illumination ;but the bibqrediirron. in very Heathensalfo bynatural' light condemned this cuftome. comm.inop. as = Timm In that molt magnificent Feaft of that mightyPrince Ahafis. erst, , there wasa Royall charge andcommand from theKing himfelie,that none fhould be enforced to drink,but every one left tohis owne liberty, And the drinking was, faith theText, according to the'Law, none did compel': for the King had ap- pointed to alt theofficers ofhis houfe, theyfhoolddoe according to every manspleafisre. Eller 1.8. Nay, the very Popifh Doefors, who in other cafes allow form foule finnes, which.honeft Heathensdid abominate, e- ven they difputeagainft this finne. Leffiaos de isillitia6- lore, in his Ctrftion, rtrons fit pecca- tum provocare ad aquales calico; , & an fafit reffrondere ? whether it bee a finne to beginan health, and whether it be law. nAci N fi I topledge it ? Bedes other proofes and authorities a It is verfatur rati- oni.Nam regula bibcndi ftatuitur, non rario,non neceffitas naturx,non bonavaletudo,non an= viam. out fenfuurdalacritas!; fedtota ventris,viccerum &martin) capacitas.