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comfortable walkingwithGod. 205 ...1.1 *ec.-..........1 otgainfireafon, faith he : for neitherreafin, nor nece uy ofmg. Vtres,vel lagenass lure, norgoodhealth, nor the vigor of the mind, wr the ala2rIs77tic:: f,0; crity of the fenfes , is made the rule of drinking ; but ano,. chgens, autTre ther maxi belly, nay, the whole capacity of his belly, bowels, c";,,,'s:;,t,Titt veines. Thou mail fitlier terme theLi., as great 'Bag cats them, ..htnincsd; roamad bottles, barrels, very pipes, or rather finckes, then men-;-fel- plurimunic.°sa; lowes fit only for theoffice of Hogs-heads,to receive a ioenee dealcof wine, or rather to convey it thorow their body, as corpus tanquam thorow a fincke ; and fowickedly walk it. And it is a won- cPeoractatranisFLut der, faith he, they doe not in like manner make matches, and -dant et prerdant. try Inafteries allo in eating, fleeping, &c. Ec mirumill mod ; non 11- infil.. Lattly, it is a contrary to dijiributizie faith the rui certamisna co- vilian : Even the b Poet gybes at it : cCartwright, in theper- ,endeZIL,d"mi- ufall of his confcience, and publication of his repentance to -- the whole world cries out : it wounds me to thinkeofmy blaf: phemosa oathes , uttered in Felon and diflemper ; my dila. bedience tomy Parents, my exceffe, my drinking of Healtkri NOwibutive corntariA n a thirdplace, concerning fleepe, I have little to film, fuperbia. fay : no conflant rules of any certaine meafure can pofIl bly Y v beprefcribed : Becaufe it is much diverfified, and neceffari injuric, et quxvi.; ly receives great variation by health and fickneffe ; by age tprreotpcoarcio Ari by time of theyeere ; by emptineffe, or fnlneffc of the body; ;dilibetPu,r: byvariety of natural! conflitutions; onely let tnee counfell vufi:4arribel7 Chriftians, whoonely make confcience of expence of time and arefenfibe of its precioufneffe expreffed before, to take equales ernabcccroi !- notice, that they may furfeitand fiunc in fleeping : as well as b%ufti urgentur, in eating-and drinking. That it ought only, as other ofGods Ts",;,,wa,tbecia* good creatures, tonerve the ftrengthening andrefrefhing of civi!, cur bodies ; not to fatisfie cafe, floth; and a fluggifh, ha- I' N"t" 2s. mour : and therefore to beWare, and diligently to watch,left that great devourer and waflor of time, rob and bereave them of the very marrow and of time; the flower, and firft fruits, as it were, of the day, Tmeane, many precious 6 Vaa ralas rais andgolden. houres. in the morning ; frefheft, and fitteft toT litma 'pori veca falute' En 800k,,istipfled, TheLife, Canfeciion, and hearty repentanceof Froicis C2rewithty(3 %iC(nan. converfe