206 reweeleasaramIlIVOIllessasaseroms, Generall direaions for a P.MINSIMMIICS converfe molt fruitfullywithGod, to examine our fpiritnall hate ,. to offer up anacceptable facrificeof Prayers and Prai- fes, tobuckle faft untous the Chriflian Armour, and topre- pare with refolution and life to hold a fweet and bleffed communion with his holy Majeftie all thedayafter. And let them often remember when they fee the Sunne upbefore Udetens eft them, that Paying of e..itiflin: It is an uncomely thing for a Chrifbarto, iii ra- Chriflials tohave the Sunnebeames fish him in bed: and ifthe dies Solis eur in- Sunne couldfpeakejaith he, it mightfay, Ihave labouredmore vadat lea° : pact enim dice- then thott,yefierday ; andyet I am ri/in, and thou artfill at re Sol, fi potelia- refs. tem loquendi ha- beret : Antplius, For conclufion, let me advifeand forewarne with as great laboravi heri, earneftneffeand heartineffe as I can poffibly , all Gods Chit- guar: to ta men cam jam dren, that as they tender and preferre infinitely a pure heart, thrtitexceelorilitsn and heavenly mind; that unvaluable Jewel ofa peaceable con- fcience,and thatfweeteit life walking with their God,before a world ofgold ; they would watch over-themfelues very extraordinarily , and with fingular care and heedefulnefre, in the ufeand enjoyment ofthings lawfull in their ownenature; yet by our corruption, capable of inordinatenefl'e and excefle, fuch as are rneate, drinke,fleepe, apparrell, marriage, vifitati- ons, recreations,&c. For moe, faith a worthy Divine, perifb withproffieroue foilotring of lawful! things , then by unlawful/ courfes. Soft (ands fwallow more fhippes, thenhard rocker fplit afunder. Howfoever, fare I am, Chriftians are in more danger of being fpiritually undone by a flie infinuation and enfharement officentioufneffe and immoderation in filch law- full things ; then by the groffeaffaults of foule fins, and temp- tations todoe notorioufly. For, . A fanetifiedheart will generoufly rife , and refill with refolution againft the inyafion and grieflineffe of any worke ofdarkeneffe ; which by its enormity wanes the confcience; as adultery, murther, fweatifig, prophaning of the Lords Day, Miry, bribery, fpeculative wantonneffe, idlencffe, &c. whichyet may too often be infenfibly feized upon, and fur prized by an exceffive finfull delight , in things unfinfull in thenifelves ; yet envoy foiled untous,by the vcaotne of our owne