- - , Im comfortable walking with God. owneover-eager unmortified affeetions, and that without a- ny great remorfe or reclamation. 2. Wee fi tide too oftenby wofull experience, that fotne who havinggiven their names to Religion at firft,withgreat forwardneffeand heate ; yet afterward not fo much foiled by groffe relapfc into notorious finnes ; as furfetingwith licenti- oustxceffe, in theabufe oflawfull things , and drinking too deepe ofworldly pleafures,under a colourof Chriftian liberty and convenientrecreations, fall fearefully into a dead fleepe,of carnall security, and curled forgetting ofGod , at leaf}, for a time untill they bee revived and quicknecl by the inquifitive handofCome piercing Miniftry, the frnart of fome outward heavie crone , or wrath of God upon their confciences ; if they fall not quite away. 3 . Things not fitful' in the right ufe, and offering them- felves with unfurpefted reprefentationof harmelefbeffe and allowance, without extraordinary watchfulneffe and heede, doe moe eafily lime our earthly ravenous affections ; farre fooner enfnare and deceive 5 infenfibly draw and drOwne vs in many fcandalousexceffes and eflrangements froth God,be- fore we be aware. Thus muchalfoofnaturall anions. I I I I. Now concerning civil( affaires and dealings in the world : That thou mayeft fettle and keepe thine heart and hands in an holy temper , and untainted ; without wound, wrong-doing, or any uncomfortableentanglement : r. Ever in all thy bargaines, contrans , covenants, dea- lings , negotiations, mutual' entercourfe of any kin& of commerce with others reprefent ferioufly and folemnely to the aye of thy bell judgement and deepefi confideration, that royall Principal!, Doe eu thou wouldefl bee done by. In a fellow-feding reall conceit, put thy felfe in theplace, and impartially put on the perfon of the party withwhom thou art to deale. Weigh well all the circumflances , conditions , covenants, inconveniencies, confequents, andpaffages ofthe whole bufineffe ; and then returning to thy felfe, deale out, and proportionunto him, that meafure in every particular, which 207