Bolton - HP BV4500 .B62 1634

208 Gmerall direr-Mils for -olatee.arisan which thou wouldeft bee willing , upon goodground arid found reafon, to receive at the hands ofanother,ifthou wert in his cafe. This the fummeof the law and the Prophets,for ferving our brethren in love, preft upon us by the Lord .fiefirs himfelfe. Mat.7. 12. All thingswhatfoeverye vvoid that men There'ddoe toyes, doeyee evenfe to them. Which, if it were as effedtually and feelingly taken to heart, and prataifed, as it is ordinarily talked of and pretended; it wclulcl not onely cut off, and prevent all cruelties, oppreffions, grinding the faces of the paore, all coozening, undermining, °vex...reaching, de- frauding, defaming, &c. but alto Iliacup and quicken our affeaions, witha compaffionate lively touch,to a mutuall ex- ercifeand exchange of all offices of humanity, kindneffe, and love in all kinds. But that you may underfland this rule aright; conceive, that when wee counfell men to doe unto others , as they would bee dealt with themfelves ; It is not to bee under- flood, of any irregular, paffionate, exorbitant will : but that which is grounded uponright reafon, guided by a retii- fied confcience, ordered and illightened bygrace and Gods Truth. And 1 the rather refrefh your memories with the true ap- prehenfionof this point , that you may clearely fee the rot- tennefre and vanityof the Vfurerscunning cavil!, but ofcruell confequence. Ob. I deal; faith theVfurer, as I would bee dealt with , and doe as I would bee done by : and therefore all that while I hope I doe nowrong : I would willingly pay tenne in the hundreth, if I had neede, and then why may / not take fo ? To which, I anfvver r. That Royal' Rule, Doe du thos wouldefl bee done by, mit be underflood and expounded , as I intimatedbefore, according to the grounds of a good confcience, ditiates of fight reafon, andaka:lions of a jull and rectified will; not out of the milts and miferies of a depraved and exorbitant judgement. 'Other wife Abingirch, Soil., andother ofthat