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comfortablewalkingtvith God. 209 delperate ranke and rcfolution, might conclude, thatit were lawful' for them to kill other men,becaufe they were willing to be killed themfelves. See Itidg.9.54. x Sosm.3 1.4. for they might fay, theydidbut as they wouldbe done by, It would alto follow very abfurdly : the Magifiratebeing in the ma- lefaetors cafe, would gladly be pardoned, therefore hemull pardon the malefaftor ; Some fonne of 23e/idwould be con- tent villanoufly to Proftitutehis wife whomhe caresnot for himfelfe, to others; therefore bee may abufe another mans wife whomhe loves better. Thee, and the like abominable andabfurd confequents, demonfirate thevanityof the Vfu. rers inference, and that Chrifts rule is not fogeneral!, but re- firaineableto that will, which is orderly andhoneftlyguided by the light of Nature and Gods Law. 2. We Inuit then have recourfe to this general! Fountaine of the fecond Table, and fetch light and direaion thence : when wehave no expreffe and fpeciall Word in Gods Booke; butthe Scriptures have cleerely and direaly determined and refolved the point of Wary. 3. If the Vfurer were in the borrowers cafe, bee would norwillingly, as hee pretends, give tense in the hundred. I meane, with an abfolute and free will, but of forcepdcon- firaint, becaufe without paying after that rate, bee could not have it. If a manwouldborrow upon Vfury, to buy land, ingroffe, forefiall, or compaffe fome unlawfull matter ; that werea corrupt will, and no rule : But if his defire fo tobor- rowwere jai and lawful), as in force cafes it may be, then it is no entire will, but mixed and forced by fome neceffity, for the avoyding ofa greater evill,and therfore denyed in the eye bothof law and reafon, to be any will at all. He that would borrow, fbould haveneed toborroiv ' for a needleffe defire is unlawful! ; and an ingenuous man who hath need to bor- row, would not willingly borrow but for neede ' much leffe would he pay Vfury. TherefOre thewill of theborrower, in this cafe, is either corrupt, or nowill at all, and Coconfe- quently without the compaffe of Chrifts rule. The will of theborrower in this cafe, is like the will ofan P honeft