Bolton - HP BV4500 .B62 1634

210 Genera11 direelions for Iron&Travailer, in givinghis pure to an arrant theife ; for feare bee fhould loofe both purfe and life. Is fuch a man willing, thinke you, to loofehis money ? Or like the will of a mart, whofe houfebeing on fire, plucks downe part there- of to lave the reft ; willingly indeed as the cafe Rands with him, yet not limply, but upon neceffity. So the borrowers will is not free, but forced ; and fo a will againft will. 2. With an infinite difdaine and refolute contempt at). horre to get fo much as one farthing all thedayes of thy life, by any wicked meanes or wrongdoing. Doe not plague thy prefent outward hate, be it little or much; neither empoi- fbn it to thy pofterity, by anyaddition veto it;, by vfury, bribery, fymony, facriledge, ftealing, grinding the faces of the poore, oppreffion, lying, falfehoodes , forfwearings, over-reaching trickes of wit, coozening , cunning convei- ances, &c. 1. Thereby thou (halt defperately fall into the revenging handsof anangry God; divine vengeance will dogge thee hard,and continually at the heeles for thy deftraion.Which is incomparably a greater plague then extremeft beggary, and thebirtereff confluenceof all the molt vexing outward miferies in the world. Let noman, faith Paul, goe beyond and defiaxd hisbrother in any matter, becaufe that theLord it the avenger of allfuch; Tbef.4.6. 2. Secondly, A little ill got, naturally accompanied with Gods curie, may foempoy fon thy whole inheritance and all the reit of thygoods, that it maygroove like adead Flye in aboxe of precious oyntment ; a fparke of fire in the thatch ; a ftrong incentive to divine juftice, not onely to eate up all honeff comfort in outward things, but alfo to confame and wafte all thy wealth : Nay, and' fish immoderate delire of a Seddiaurus eft, enriching and-railing his a pofterity, is the keeneft Ipurre to Hobe° filios, bus laborem, ha- gale his unconfcionable hoarding;. even to cut off alfo many beo qu bus pro- times the cruell worldling himfelfa, and caft him.out, of the fpiciam ; habeo quibus curam maximant geram guam curam geris filiorum, ut cog obruaslachrymis woun Non eft hoc 003 artUrej faFoos neon, Ivo° x, world