comfortable walkingwith God. 211 world without flocke or feede. And therefore though the covetous caitiff,: out of thehardneffe of his heart, and fea6 redneck of confcience, bee feareleffe and fenfeleffe of the wrathofGod, the wrong of his neighbour, and the wretch. edneiTe of his owne foule ; yet if hedefire, as he doth, with a ragingunfatiablenefk, like the grave, or hell, to thrive in hisoutward {late , and profper in the world ; let him not meddle fomuch as with a flick; or a firaw, a pin, orapoint of another mans; neither at any time put his band to any wicked wayof getting, left, betide the loffe of his fouleat laft , and a world of miferies in the meane time, bee aria the very marke fo eagerly aymed at; of making him and his, great in the world. For hope of which hee is curfedly content to part with all true contentment in this life, and a Crowne of bliffe in the Kingdome of heaven. For this purpofe , and to perfwade , and preffe this point unanfwcrably, let us take a view in Gods Bookeofthe divers wayes, howhe is wont in wrath to deale with wrong doers and unconfcionable dealers. Itcomes to paffe, fometimes that the wicked worldling, infatiableearth-worme, God curling his covetoufneffe and crueltie, may fee an end of his wealth even in this world, according to that , Ierem. 17. i r. cAs the Partridge fit- teth on egges , and hatcheth them not : le hee that getteth riches, and not by right, (hall leave them in the tmddell of his days , and at his end /hall bee a foole, lob 20. I5, 28%( Hee bath fwallowed down riches , and hoeAall vomit them up a_ game : codfallcat themout of his belly. The increafe ofhis hotsfe "ball depart, andbit goods fhaN flow away in theday of his wrath. Or it is no ftrange thing to fee him profper by unconfcio. nableneffe and craft, u furious and other injuriouspraaifes, all his life long; but then having fcrapcd together his hoard of iniquitie, with a great deale of carking, thoughtfulneffe, and bTemPoralium felfe vexation ; kept it withextreme feare, flavifh difIruft, mot quantum raer% and heart-gnawing lealoufies ; parted b from it with much poirefto3 tantun anguich , honour and almoft with as paineffill divorce (uIrGri °VC ra 2 2S