Bolton - HP BV4500 .B62 1634

221 General! direaions for a as that of the foule from the body : at laft after the loffe of it,foule and all. 1. Hee either leaves it to themwhowill liberally let flue abroad , and enlarge thofe golden heapes which greedineff2 had formerly con finde and ftrongly guardedwith bolts and barres : According to ;hat, Prov. 28. 8. Hee that by ufury and unissflgaine increafithhisJubilance , bee (hallgather itfor him that willpittie the poore. See alfo Prov. z 3.22. lob 27. verfe 16,17. 2. Or it may be wholly fcattered amongil meere ftran. gers, according to that,Ecclef.6, 2. But afirangemanfballtate it up Seealfo Pfal.39.6. Ecclef.4.8. and 2.1 8,19. 3. Or being bequeathed tohis ownechildren, and Wafted by Gods fecret curfe,it may melt away intheir hands,as fnow before the Sunne, accordingto that, Ecclef. 5.13,14. There is aforeevill ohich I have gene under theSwine, namely, riches keptfor the owners thereof to their hurt. But thefe richesperil, by evil! trove& ; And he begettetha fonne, and there is nothing in his hand. But howfoever, whether ill gotten goodspedal or prof per in the owners hands, or his pofieritie fure I am, the in- evitable plague and iud vengeance of God cleaves infepa- rablyuntohis ionic; and hunts that man to deftration, who. foever he be , that enricheth himfelfeby wickedand wrong-- full meaner, without timely repentanceand true reflitution,if hebeable. Hee that bath opprefed the poore and needy, orhathffroyled byviolence,- or bathgivenupon "'fairy, orbath taken increafii the fame reafon is alfo of all indire& and unlawful' getting, fhall he live ? Hee /hall not live : he bath done all thole abomina- tions, befhall fisrelydie, his blood'hail bee uponhim Ezek. i 8. verfe z, 13. And marvel' not, neither be mis-led , though thou ob. ferve fometimes wicked woridlings themfelves, their heires, and heires heires,, to wallow alfo in that wealth which the Grandfathers got wrongfully. For they are for all this, butas fo many fenfuall earthrootinghogs , fatted for the a knife; and,