Bolton - HP BV4500 .B62 1634

comfortable walking with God. 213 and have this woeful( brand let upon themby theSpirit of God, PIM. They are menoftheworld, and have their portion in this life. But ever hold this as a terribleand true principle. It is one of the greatcfl c curfes under the Sunne to proder inour waies , andbee out ofthe way to Heaven. c Nihil eft ticius f.celicitat? 3. Thirdly , it is a ruled cafe and concurrent refolution a- 11:coecncaalls" nrntslituur mongft Divines : That if thou clothnot reflore,beeing able vimornunntia= whatfoever thouhaft any waies got wrongfully , and wic- ftis interior robo- kedly ; thou canft have neither well grounded affurance of VsythresuslefteiZsi5- unfained '" repentance , nor true comfort ofthe pardonof that on,Godexceptinot finne. A cutting couclufion againft all cut-throate Vfurers Simonifts, Sacrilegians, Bribe-takers, Grindersofpoore mens Horn. ofthe re, faces, Hoarders by fraud , Oppreffors of all under themofwfurLenn; I rnaketh the fame trade, by fame Machiavellian tricke,and the reft of not repletion, He neither bath unfai« that cruel' true. ned repentance for How can bee beePaid to repent foundly, that lies fill foa. bid finne o , nor any king in his finne,wittingly and willingly ? Now,whofoever ?brifertne; of keepes fill in his hands any thing wickedly got, continues a thereof. Downarn toes Lt. . prop isc; wrongdoer fill; and therefore doth it not faithfully , but o only faineth repentance. Whereupon faith esfsein, ifa man ter quau, recta- reftore darn red not ill gotten goos' being able, his repentance is not tarpoeftift:, non red. ' comfortable, but counterfeite. ditur, non agitur . Dreadful( afro is the doome of the laid Father upon all Pficenglittur.t'i wrong-doers , The finne is not remitted, except that which a8 hathbeene uniuftly taken be reflored : Either in aet, if thou bee able; or at leaf in unfained affeetion, if thy fate bee iltuaturoblatum. wafted. Effcau, or affeebi, What a bedlam folly is it then, and curled cruelty to thine owne ionic ; tohcapeup thole riches of iniquitie , by bee-, neffc and wrong, which thoumatt afterward reftore in the fence I have Paid , or elle never enjoy any comfortable affu- ranee of a trueconverton or pardonoffinne ? Were hee not a foolifh theefe, that would keep his flolen goods both in the face ofhis accufer and Judge ? Though in the meane time thou conceale thy cunning convejances from thedifcovery and doome of humane lattice ; yet affure thy fen, betides the fecret grumbling of thy felfe.accufing confcience; the P 3 angry