2 14 General/ direr ionsfor 4 ..rareuralell angry eye of God alfo fees clearely , and will {portly rl of certamely revenge. 4. Almefcleedcs, charitable erections of Colledges, Hof- pitalls, Free-Schooles, and other inferiour bountifull contri- butions ; whenGod enables by good 'wanes, the neceffi ties of his Poore cry for reliefe , and the fanaified heart with affeaionate fincerity, aimes at Godsglory ; are fweet-fmel- ling facrifices with which God is well pleated, Philip. 4. 18. Heb. i 3. i 6. But ifhis flavifh gifts, and good deedes,largef- fes, and liberalities in this kinde,be impoyfoned with former fraud, oppreffion, and wrong; though it bee wellthat the Church of God fometimes , the backes and bellies ofthe Poorebeebetter thereby ; yet to the impenitent aidnot re- boringufurer himfelfe, or any otherwicked dealer,in refpeft of acceptation with. God , and true comfort to his owne heart, theyare nobetter then the cuttingoffofa Dogs neck; or the facrifice ofa foole. Ill gotten goodsare for reftitution, not for diftribution. Left any covetous caviller thinke the poitat toohatih and precife , heare what the ancient Fathers fay to this purpofe : d Dernard : godreceiveth not any almes d Non step': E- Ieemofysias de at the bands of anoppreffor or ufurer. c Hierom Significant- manu raptoris, ly faith the Prophet ; His owne bread, left men fhouldturns aut fmneratoris Onraerm.711, bread gotten by oppreffion and Flury , into a work! ofe"fer- cc is tur, n S ifi ucuam nt:r di- f Auflin : When god fhall begin to 'judge, thole that live cy rapinis et ufuris, now by fraud, and give alines of the Boyles ofthe oppreffed , et alien° malo taill fay ; Lord, wee have kept thy Commandementr , and in quzlitum panem vertamus in mire- thy name wehave done 'Yorke., ofmtrcy ; wee have fed theHun- Liczaisz we have clothedthe Nakfd., and entertainedStrangers. re irCims indicate whom Godwill reply. rots tell mee whatyou havegiven ; but Pag'536. cmperit Deus; you tell me not whatyou have taken away Yoga recount whomyou dieturi runt hi, havefed. but why renaberyou not whomyou have undone? Tbey qui de fraudibus rein vivuncet de fpo. yce whomyote haveclothed ; but they lament whomyou have His miferorutn f.tioyled &c. Awn is filled with bread, whom thou feedeft with Efeemofynim fa chug; Domine, przcepta tua fervavimus, a in noruine tuovnifericordias fccimus,pauperes pavimus,nudos operaimus. (VansdiEturus eft Deus, 0.zod dediftis,dicitis quos paviftis, memoramini 5 quare non recordamini quos necaftis ? Q,,uos operuiftis, gaudent, quos expoliaflis, plangunt,&c Te so. Hon. 47.7)4 remediil peccatorarn. pag. 609. Vnus reptesur panibus,quem de rapinis faciatli !maimDominus non te, fed cum, quern mai, jpoy