comfortable walking with God. 215 Moyle : but the Lord will blep , not thee , buthimwhom thou haft undone, &c. Chryfollotne ; a But what is the excuft ofa Sed q iruii: Iaem e c? many ? Ihave indeedBeene anVfirrer, fay they,but Ihave a1/4 Patio I Fceneratus beenegood to the poore. e."1 Tweet piece ofmatter , Are ! But rum paw aeriju:bri;uficd godaccepts notfuchfacriflces. It were farce better to giveno- Bona verba quay_. thing to thepoore at all, thengive in that manner. That wealthiV:iialanon l 3. deua:cncife: which i4 wonne by thy JO labours, is many times quitemarrd;it. withflabwickedmixtures, &c, juflis laborrbus colielaurn argen- The very b Heathen man tells us , That thepooreare not to turn ell propter befed like the whelpes of Wilde beat , with bloodand mother, hperuni,re":::,:a! rapine andfpoik : but that which is*rnoll acceptable to the re. minas, &c. Horn. ceivers; theyfhouldknow, that that which k givenunto them, b Paupctes non not takenfrom any body elf, ut ferarum catuli, caedi- Nay, one of the bloodien men that ever breathed Se/y. mench mm,aTurkilh Etnperour, yet upon his bed of death replyed quZdque gratiffi thus to his Bdfa , mooving himwith the wealth taken from enautralii,:fueotrdeinLei: the Perulan Merchants, tobuild an Hofpitall for reliefe of the ,poore c Wouldefi thou, Pyrrhus that IAoulei beflow other ;;;4 .tenreeg:m,d° memgoods wrongfully taken from them , upon workes ofchari. Tratimum. tie anddevotion , for mine owne vain-glory andpraifi ? Af- 7H,ihri;I:cetb; srZyk: furedly Iwill never doe it : nay rather,fee they bee again re. mus thefi.rf. floredunto the right owners. Which was done forthwithaC. 5611 cordingly, to the great fhame , faith the Author , of many Chriflians ; whominding nothing Tare then reflitution, but making ex rapingholocauflum, doe out ofa worldofevillgotten goods, cuffout ,Gnefmall fragments to buildfonrepoore tall, ormend fome blind way. e.4 poore tollimony of their hot charitie. Wretchedly then doe they delude the World , and deceive their owne foules, who vainely thinke, that fome workes ofmercy at laft,when they mull needs leave all, will expiateand recompence the cruelties andunconfcionable dea- lings of their whole life before. Zaeloeta penitent Proclama- tion confined of twobranches, Luk 4, 8. As well for refti- tutionias diftribution. He that would finde the fame mercy, mull follow the famemethode. 3.- Let thydefireand delight never fall, or be faftened im- moderately uponany earthly thing , though never fo excel. P 4 lent,