t.L 2 x 6 Geneve direcTionsfor a 11.....0=9 ,.11 4t t lent, delicious, or amiable. For exorbitancy and errour this waybrings many times. i. Aloft of the thingfo dotedup. on 2. Sometime acroffe. 3. Ever a an*. T. For the firf} ; our righteous and holy God, when bee fees the current of his creatures 2ffeaions to be carried inor- dinately and prepofteroufly from the Fountaine of living waters, upon broken Cifternes that can hold none ; from the bottomelefle treafury of all fweeteft beauties, deareft excel- kncies, amiable delights, upon painted fhadowes ; from the Rocke of eternity, upon a flaffe of Reed ; I meane, from the Creator, upon the creature; He wifely and feafonably in the equity of his lattice, and out of the jealouCie of his owne Glory takes away that earthly Idoll, that the occafion of fuch irregular affeCtion removed, he may draw the heart, in which bee principally takes pleafure, tohis owne glorious Selfe,the onely Load- Starre of all fanCtified love, and bound- leffe Ocean, of happineffe andbliffe. Nay, it may bee laid in the fweetnefleof his mercy alfo, when he fees us diftraCted, and as it were, defperately mad with making too much of any tranfitory thing, fo that our minde cloth runne and reit upon it, as our onely heaven upon earth ; Hee fnatches the edge-toole out ofour hands, left wee make away our felves fpiritually ; and withdrawes the beloved vanity from before our eyes, left we grow flarke blind.: in the myfleries of Faith, and mattersof Heaven, by too much gazingupon the fading beauty of any baler earthly obie6t. Thus the immoderate partiall affeCtion ofParents, may become many timesoccalionall and acccffary to the untime- ly taking away of a fwcet , faire, and towardly childe. Whereby our gracious God juftly intimatesunto them their intolerable unthankefulneffe of his mercy, and extreme in- dignity to his Majefty, in wickedly preferring in their love, a creature before their Creator, and mercifully teaches them, that the flowre and fervour oftheir belt and deareft affection is onely due, and fhould bee wholly devoted to the greateft Good, God himfelfe, and thole true It, unutterable, ever-du. ring delights prepared for theBleffed, in hisWordhere, and