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comfortablewalking with God. 217 1110111.. in the World to come hereafter, i Core 2, 9 . Conceive proportionably of other things immeafurably defired, and delighted in. If thou doteft upon a good wit, thou mayeft be ftricken with diftradion : ifupon abundance of learning, or much worldly wifedome, thou mayeft he in- fatuated, at leaft at fome fpeciall times, when thou wouldeft gladlydoe thebelt; or in fome important bufineffe, which molt concemes thee : if upon Come high place, thoumayft with Haman, Shebna,and thoufands moe,be thrownedowne into thegulph of calamityand woe, contempt-and fcorne : if upon a fairehoufe, it may levelled with the ground, by the flames of Gods wrath ; if upon a beautifiill face, it maybe disfiguredwith the Poxe, or other deformities : if upon a hoardof gold, it may be difperft by fire, robbery, defolations of warre : nay, ifeven upon thy graces with an overweening conceit of Idle-excellency, felfe-opinion, felfe-fufficiency if they be onely generall graces, thou mayft be quite fiript of them; if Paving thou mayft be calf into a dampe and defer- don for a time, in refpedof all comfort, fenfe, ufe and exer- cife, 8tc. 2. For the fcond, though Godmay permit thee to pof:, feffe ftill that outward worldly comforr,upon which the fury of thine afidion is fo fattened, and thine heart grafpes with Inch greedineffe and e3eceffe ; yet in this cafe thou mayeft juftlyexpea a croffe ; either. r . In the thing doted upon. With whataBeale of cutting difcomfort, and gafhes ofbit- ter griefe did ,vibfahmdandled in Davids affection with too much indulgence, rent his Fathers royall heart by imbruing his hande inhisbrothers blood, and with unnatural) trayte- rous violence and villany fnatching at the Imperial( Crowne upon Davids head ? Another famous inftance to this pur- pole wee find in theStoryof the Greeke Emperors.Theold Emperour %Andronicsis dotedwith filchextreme impotency of partiall affection upon his Nephew, young eAndronicui, that its comparifon of him, bee didnot onely difregard the reft ofhis Nephewes, but alfo his owne children : and as the Story tell us,was not willing to fparehim out offight either iTtses.tok, day