Bolton - HP BV4500 .B62 1634

---14111141. 2 t 8 General)directions for a ...10001141Mi=a31.,..... 6.0 day or night. But what were the confequentSof this cocke.. ring ? When he was ftept further into yeeres, befides a world of tniferies andmolefiations created to his Grandfather in the mean time,at length preffingwithout refiftanccupon his Pal- race, with purpofe to furprizehis perfon,though the old Em- peror intreated himwith much afEetionateRoyal eloquence which might have pierced an heart of fleele or Adamant, That he would reverence thole hands , which had oftentimes moft lovingly embracedhim,y et crying in his fwathing clothes that he wouldreverence thofe lips, which bleb had oftentimes ,molt lovingly Wed him, and called him his other Soule : that hee would are toffiill that blood, from which bimfilfi had taken the fountaine oflift, ?mac. For all this, after fotne kind words, and courteous embracement, at firfl indeedprernifed, and in hotblood ; in concluilon, being polled and (haven, was made a Menke, and the Anvile of much dunghill Ceorne and vital: indignities, until' the i,vorkemanfhip of death had finned the forrowfiiii bufineffe of a wretched life. A thirdiand very remarkeable to fright all: arents from foolifh doting, heare Non miremini, out of 1Quftin, a By rearon of a terrible and dreadfull acei- fratrd chariffimi, dent, he called his people together, as it feemes, to a Sermon fihodie ter fermo. the time third the fame day - thinking, 130 doubt out of his net, Deo ante Prefeeete watchffill fpirituall wifdome,to worke more fucceffefully,arid A nib ciclii dsitchao dsie ter; to leave more firongand lafting impreffions in their harts, urns audifl uis ; while the bloody unnatural! villany Was yet frefh in their propter quem non foam ad Ecelefi- and cares. And when-they were Met together, bee re- am Hypponenfem fates the dolefull Tory b Our mble Citizen(faith he) here of omnes antiquio- res habere volui, 1,1ppo,Cyrillm, a man mighty amongft us, both in worke and fed etiam "Ines word, andmuch beloved, had, asyou know, one onel yfinne, and fceminas, et Warr tes in unum con_ becaufe he hadbut finely one, he loved him immeafisrably, and gregari prxcepi, above God. Andfobeing drunke, with immoderate doting, he are. ut fcitis, negletIed to corral him, andgave him liberty todoe whatfiever habebat: et earn vnicum poffidebat et quia vnicus erat, eum fuperffite diligebat, et Capra Deurn. Ida) fuperfluo amore inebriatus, Cilium corrigere negligebar, dans ettam potettatem faciendi omnia, quz viatica cant ill/. 0 dolofabbertas I 0.grandis filmrurn perditio ! 0 paternus amor mortiferus . Ecce, fthos re &cunt difigereoquos Jugular, procurant. Dicunt eos amare, quibus Jam fufpendia parant, &c. Sed ecce, ho- didebrietatem perpefruss :slattern pregnantern ncquiter opprefht; fororem violate voluir, patron occiditi et dual furores yulneravii 4,1 mortem. 0 magna Diaboti dominant e44. aqui?, adtrap's in He", ftlx.33. be