comfortablewalking with cod. .14,..................s*. hee lift. Now WI very day, thisfame fellow, thud longfuffered in his dip/we and riotota coteries , bath in his drunken humour wickedly offered violence to his mothergreat with child, would have violatedhiefiller, bath kiltedhit father, andwounded two orWe lifters to death. 0 mightiedomination of theDevill1d-c.: But I neede not profecute this point by further illuftration out offtrange Stories,Daily experience prefents unto our eyes and cares, the many wofiill difcomforts , unkinde requitalls, and unnaturall ufages, which Parents receive at the hands of thofe children, which in their younger yeeres they made wanton with their love, and undifcreetly dotedupon. 2. Or iu fome other kinde ; for example : If thine heart be let upon riches, Godmay juftly, , andmercifully too, exercife ' and afflict thee with his heavie hand ; upon thybody, withficle- neffe; upon thy confcience, with terror ; upon thy reputa. tion, withdifgrace;or the like, thereby to unglue thynoble fpirit from thedull, and rent it from grovelingneffe upon the earth. If thou beeambitioufly enamoured upon honours and high roomes ; after wafting thy wealth, wounding thy con- fcience, wearying thy felfe with briberie, bafeneffe, and Wee- fome waiting , thou mayeft bee taken awayuntimely in the very purfuit, or prefently after the attainetnent of them, &c. Thus it is not Itrange or extraordinary with God, to prevent, or take offour hearts from taking felfe- conceited pleafure or pride in any thing we enjoy, by croiling and corraling us in other kindes. Even Pod, that blefied Saint and fervant of the Lord, leaft his heart fhould be too much pleated, and puft up with abundanceofrevelations;he was vext and croft with his owne concupifence , there was given to him a thorne in theflefh, the meffenger ofSatan to buffet him, 2. Cor. I 2. 7. that is, as I conceive,he felt his original' corruption fharpened,and eneagered againfi him; and let loofe in fome fort upon him which is a terrible cut to a tender conCcience. 3. For the third, 4itowfoever it fare with thee otherwife if thou fettle thine heart upon any earthly thing with inordi9 nate defire anddelight, thou (halt be lure to bee haunted with' a double curie : 1. The rageofunfatiableneffe vnfatisfiable., neffeA 219 reownonewMmforrars,