I'2.0 Genera§direthons for a a Cor humanum in defideriozter- nitatis non fixum, nunquam ftabile poteft effe ; fed omni volubilitate volubiliusole alio in aliud tranfit, quzrens requiem, ubi non eft.In his autem caducis et tranfitoriis,in qui bus Otis afreaus captivi tenentur, veram requiem in. venirenon valet quoniam tantz eft dignitatis,u tnul- lum bonum prz. ter fummurn Bo- num, ei fufficere poftit. v4ag.Tim.9 Pal. 1003. neffe z. That greaten plague, hardneffe ofheart. x TheFather of Spirits bath infpired into our immortall &tales a large capacity, and fuck an infinite appetite, that no finiteexcellency, created comfort, or earthly thing can pof- fibly fill. Gold, flyer, riches, honours, crownes, kingdomes, are no fit matter or adequate object, for filch an immaterial! andheavenly borne fpirit , to repofe and feed upon with finall reft and full contentment. Nay , not this whole mate- riall world, were it beautified and fet out with all the arnia- bleneffe, fpendour, and allurements , which the devil! by his jagling Alchymy put upon it, when hce prefented it to the eye ofChrfl Iefrzs. Matth. 4. 8. with addition of the harry and Empyrean heaven fhining with all their admirable beau- ty and glorious inhabitants, could by any meanes confine, fatisfie, and content the irkefome wanderings, unlimited de- fire, and vaft comprehenfiveneffe of the foule : but it would' !till be a tranfported with the paffionate difquietneffe of felfe-vexation , and torturedupon the rocke of reftleffe dif- content ; untill it fallen and fixe upon an °Wed., infiniteboth in excellency and endleffeneffe, wherin is contained the whole latitudeof Entity and goodneffe, the ever- bleffed and onely- adored Trinity. Where, and when alone, it foftlyand fweet- ly, with the height and fulneffe of all defireable content- ment , refs in the acmes of God , andbolo= of eternal! bliffe which all bleffed foules attain thus , and by thefe meanes When it pleated Godby the mercifull violenceofhis Al- mighty hand, to turne the fenfuall bent and powerful! cur- rent ofthe seduced foule, from thecreature , to the Creator; from the painted braveryofthis value world, to the heaven- lybeauty of' his bleffed Word ; from carking encumbrance about many things, topurfue and ply that One needefull thing; by a found and univerfall change of the whole man , and tranflation ofhim from the darkeneffe &natural! ignorance , death in finne, and power ofthe devil!, to the light ofPaving knowledge , the life of fanaifying grace , and the living God : I fay then 3 the rettlefle wandrings of the unfatif: fied ikiiimmutaminew _11111111