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comfortable walkingwith God. 221 Isesea. Poleamosso4- fled collie , begins firft to fettle with fome tweet content- ment,upon the flowers ofParadife,glimpfes ofheavenlyglo ry,infallible =milsofeverlaftingbliffe,fivvinggraces; and its infinite appetite is well flayed in the meane time, with that comfortable entercourfe and bliffefull Communion, which it enjoyes in part with thebleffed Trinity, by the Word, Sacra- ments, and other his holy Ordinances, appointed and fanCti- fied for that purpofe ; untill it remoove from an houfe of flefti, into the Empyrean Heaven. And then, 1. The underftanding is firft filledwith finall and everla- fling contentment, by a cleere glorious fight of God, which they call Reatificall vifion, when we (hallfee him face toface; know hima4 roe areknowne , 1. Cor. 13. 12. fee him as hee t Joh.;.2. For as the Sunne ofthis world, by his beames and brightneffe illighteneth the eye, and the ayre, that wee may fee,notonely all other things, but alto hisowne glorious face: fo God, bleffed for ever , the Sunnes Creator , the Imperial! Sunneof the world above, in whole pretence, the united fplendour of ten thoufand ofour Sunnes would vanifhaway, as a darkefome moate and lumpe ofvanitie, dothby the light of his holy Spirit, fo irradiate the minds of all the bleffed, that they are thereby enlargedand inabled , not onely to be- hold eminently in him, the beauty, goodneffe, and excellency of all creatures, in a farre more admirable and orient manner then in their owne beings ; but aifo his owne face, effence, will and counfels, perfeCtionsand attributes, incomprehenfi- blegreatneffe and Majefty. 2. Secondly, the wilt alto is then fully and for ever fatis- fiedwith aperfect, inward , eternal! communion withGod himfelfe. Our tweet glorified Saviour, beingGod andman, by hishumane nature atfumed, uniteth us to God, and by his divine nature affuming, unitethGodunto us : fo that by this fecret and facred communion, we are made in an admirable andblefl'ed manner partakers, and as it were, poffeffours of God himfelfe and communicate with him in all his good. neffe, perfeCtions, excellencies, and happineffe. 0 bottom- Idle depth, and dear& confluence of all joyes , pleafures, fweet--