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222 Generaii direaiims far a fweetneffes, delights, unconceiveable, unutterable, infinite This is the lupreme endofour Creation and Redemption ; thevery floweiequinteffence,and finew, as it were,ofour So- veraigne good. By this ael of bleffedneffe,we are filled with all the fulneffe of God : He becomes unto us in ail; fo that thereby we live his very life, inpurity, eternity,fincereft pleafures, bigheft perfeelion ; though not to the height of his infiniteneffe ; for we are but creatures; yet in proporti- on toour capacitie, and utmoft poffibilitie, which is a felici- tie abovemeafure , and paft imagination. In thefe two aCts thus exercifed about an infinite °Wed., Godhimfelfe, doth Bleffedneffe effentially and formally confift : but principally in the fruition of God, by a full, immediate, and compleate communion with him, and moil bleffed participation of all his glory and All-dfficiency, And therefore eAptinas and all his followers come fhort , in placing our higheft bliffe , onely in the asof the underflanding , the vifionof God. I am woont to expreffe and illuftrate it thus; though there be an infinite diftance and difproportion in the things compared : It would mightily delight a man , really and in perfon, withcafe and tafetie to paffe over and view the dr cuiteof the wholeearth, and all the wonders of the world; all the great cities, renownedmen, magnificent courts, rich See IWO. Pag. mines , fpicie Ilands , * Chriflall mountaines , coats of 790,79a. Pearles, rockes of Diamond, &c. of which Geographers write,andTravellers talke : but if befides, as hepaffed along, he fhonld have fure and everlafting poff ffion given of them all , what an immeafurable material! addition would it make unto his fpeculative delight ? And with what ftrange amaze. ment andadmiration of hismaking for ever, and marvellous happinefre , would it ravifh his heart ? Even fo proportio- nably,but above all degrees of comparifon ; though a bound- leffe Ocean of endleffe fweetneffe,and inexplicable joy arife in the foule from the fight of God ; yet this bliffefull commu- nion,whereby we poffeffe andenjoy him,in a neere; excellent; unfpeakeable manner ; and partake with him in alibis excel- lencies,perfedions,and felicities,doth crowne,asit.were, our Crowne