comfortable walking with God. 223 Crowne of glory, and a1uate that heart-ravifhing contem- plation, with the very life of everlaflinglife,and foule of hea- venly joyes, and higheft bliffe. Thus, and in this manner doe the reftleffe wanderings and infiniteappetite of thefe afpiring fparkes of heaven, our immaterial! and immortal! fpirits, come to finall ref} and everlafling repofe : When at laft they (hall grafpe in the arrnes of their defire, that chief& Good, the moft glorious Deity, and bathe themfelves free- ly and fully in that ever-during Welfpring of Immortality and Life. But now let afide the fruitionof this Objet, infi- nite both in excellency and endlefheffe, the onely ayme and end of the foules endleffe afpirations : And though thou fhouldeft crowne aman complcately with the worth of this whole world, the admirable fplendourof the Enapireanhea- ven, the beautyof a fhining Sunne like body, the rich and royal! endowments inherent in a glorified foule, the fwee- teft companyof Saints and Angels, the comfort of eternity ; yet his foule would flill bee full of etnprincife and appetite, and utterly to feeke for the fureft Sanauary, and fupremefi folace , to fettle her unfatisfied longings upon. Onely once admit it to the face ofGod, by Beatificall Vifion, and to fru- ition of themoil glorious and ever-bleffed Trinity, by mediate communion, and fo con fequently to thofe Torrents of pleafures, and falneffe of joy 'lowing thence ; and then prefently, and neverbefore, its infinite defire expires in the bofomeof God, and it lyes, as it were, downe foftly, with fweeteft peace and full contentment, in the imbracementsof everlafting bliffe. The other innumerable ineftimable joyes in Heaven, are, I deny not, tranfcendent, and ravifhing but they arc but all acceffories to this Principal! , drops to this Ocean, glimpfes to this Sunne. Well then, if this bee the onely way to the foules eternal! welfare; then thole un- happy foules, which runne a contrary courfe, and feeke for fatisfaaion in any creature, or createdcomfort, ftand defer- vedly ftill upon the rackeof reftleffe difcontentment, and are juftly curfed withthe gnawing rage of unratiableneffe: and nitift needs bee Lo. Forbetides. i. That thc furious torrent of