rte /. 711111NP"'"- 224 Generall direelions for a of our fenfiiall corruption, being once on foote afterworldly pleafures,and fwelling by a continual( itifufion of hellifh poy- fon , cloth with an impetuous headfirongneffe, beare and breake downe all bonds and bankes of moderation and (tint, and will never be refirained from its unfatiable rage, if God helpe not, untill it bee fwallowed up in thebottomleffe guile of mifery and horrour : for it is thenative property, or rather, poyfonof inordinate affeaion not onely to drinke deepe of finfull delight,-but to carroufe, to bedrunke ; nay, to adde unquenchablethirfi unto drunkenneffe, fucking them in with frefh fupply of endleffe greedineffe, as the Horfe= leach corrupt blond , till it burft againe. 2. That the infi- nite defireof the foule confined to a creature, or any world- ly comfort, is payned andpinched, as a Foote wedged in a firaight fhoe ; it being no competent or proportionable fa- tisfatction to its expeetation and large capacity. Hence it is, that give Rome to Cefiar, as they fay, and he will ambitioufly purfue the Soveraignty of the whole earth. Let Alexander conquer the world, and he will aske for woe ; let tholebee fubdued, beewould climbe up the fiaires of his vafi defires towards the fiarres , if bee could afpire thither, hee would aNon fatiat ani. pz.epebeyond the heavens, &c. No a reft unto mans foule, mum, nifi inc°r° but in Gods eternal! reft. 3. That there being no proportion ruptibilis gaudii & terta betweene fpirits and bodies ; thou mayeft ofwell undertake ternitas...tosuff. to fill a bag withwifedome, a cheft withvertue ; as thine im- mortal! foule, withgold, flyer, riches, high roomes, this wholematerial! world, or any earthly thing. See Ecclef 5. 10.4. I fay, befides thefe three caufes of unfatisfiableneffe, Godhimfelfe doth juffly put that property and poyfon into all worldly things doted upon, and defired immoderately, that they (hall plague the heart that purfues them ; by fil- ling it fall with a furious- and frail fupply of more greedi-_ neffe, longings, jealoufies, and many miferable difcontent- b Avaritia infatia- ments : So that they becomeunto it, as drinkeunto a b-clrun- bilis ebrietas. Et ficut ebrii, quanto plus vini ingurgitant, tante rnagis ad fitim inflammantur o fit & ifti quoque infaniam hanc indomitamnunquam fiitere poffunt, fed quanto magis tips opes augeri vident, tanto& concupi- fcentiamagis flagrant. Neque antea a pellimo appetitu hoc abfiftunt, donec in ipfumMallet profun dum clef-marlin cbsyr.11 m.23. in Gen. kard,