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comfortablewalking with God. 2 27 kard, a man in a c dropfie, or burningLeaver, ferve onely to inflame it with new heate, and fiery additions of infatiable thirrt and inordinate lull. No marvaile then though the working heart of every natural' man, unreconciled to God, bee * like the raging fea that cannot reit. That roaringE!c- in to which the Spirit of God refembles a wicked man, mull needes be a much troubled and very reale& creature; all it is continually toiled, and turmoyled with variety of contrary and confided motions ; that of eftuation, revoluti- on, refleaion, defcenfion, andagitation by the winds: fetn- blably,if thou couldeft fee the infideof the greatengraceleffe Monopolift, and ingroffer of all the moil defirable excellen- des under the Sunne , gliflering in the higheft Emperiall Throneupon the earth; thou fhouldeft behold his heart for all that, rent afunder with many ragingdiftempers, and rein- pcfl uous whirlewindesof contrary tufts ; a very hiveof un numbred cares, forrowes, and paffions , boyling inaffantly with irkeforne fufpitions,falfe feares, infatiable longings, lee cret grumblings of confcience, torturing diftra6tions,and tu- multuations of hell. By the way, let me tell you, that this immoderate defire, inordinate delight which I fpeake of, glued to Come fpeciall fenfiiall object , which natural! corruption Tingles out, and makes chiefen choife of,to follow and feedupon, withgrea- tencontentment and carnal' fweetneffe, becomes theparents of every mans bofome fine. If it fall in love with honours and greatneffe, it breeds and brings forth ambition, which is an unquenchable thirft after vifible glory, and a gluttonous hunting after high roomes. As it inhabiteth the higheft and haughtieft fpirits, and is fu- perlative and tranfcendent in its obje& and afpirations ; fo of all the flormy perturbations, whichrent and rage in the heart of man,it is molt ternpeduons and defperate. Ventrous it is to climbe up any flakes of bafeneffe, ',bribery, blood ; to tread upon the mines of thenobleff innocency,upon the mer- cileffc defolations of deareft friends and neereft kindred, to doiningere fora while though it beedunned everiaftingty _ ; _ after ctlydropicus,qur5 amplius tribcrie, amplius tit : & omnis avarus ex ritc:tG. til(Lluilialmt- Ca, quit appetir, adeptus fuer; ad appetenda Alia amplius ampli- us anhed t. Qui enim a ifcendo plus appetit, huic fins ex potu ere. cit.Graki,, cap. z& pbcap.6. * Mr 56. lo.