228 Genera§direaumsfir z afterwards; as it is too deere in the Turkifh Emperors, and in that great Mailer of mifchiefe and Ma.chiavelif,me,Richard the third, of this Kingelome, who with a bloody handpref. fedout thebreath of thole twoorient Princes in the Tower, his Nephewes, and natural! Lords. It is vid.orious over all other affeaions, and mafters even the fenfitality of luflfull pleafures ; as appeares in thegreateft Warriours andancient Worthies, amongft the Heathen, who tempted with the ex- quifiteneffe andvariety of choifefi beauties, yet forbore that villany,not for confcience fake,and feareof Godwhom they knew not ; but left they fhould interrupt the courfe , and flop the current of their warlike reputation, ambitious de- fignes, andatchivements of fate. But whatfoever other pe- fitlent properties empoyfon it, it never failes to ingender in the heart, which harbours it, as its proper Thunder-bolt, andHafting, feares, cares, jealoufies, envies, enraged thira of riling f ill, impatiency ofcompetition, uncapableneffeof fatiety,which is mofi for my purpofe. For the proud and am- bitious man enlargeth his defire as hell, and is as death, and cannot beefatiefied. Hab.2. 5. Who can fill the bottomeleffe pit ofhell, or flop the unfatiable jawesof death ; neither can the greedyhumour of anhaughty fpirit, the afpiring info- lency of aboifterous Nimrod bee poffibly flayed or 'tinted ; nonot with the top andvariety of highefi honours, though bee fliould alone and abfolately be crowned with the Sove- raignityof the whole earth, and command the felicities of this wide World. If it fall in love with riches, it breeds and brings forth co- vetoufheffe, the vileft, and bafeft of all the infeetionsofthe foule, in the mofi contemptible, and dunghill difpofition. For this kyte-footedcorruption wherefoever it feizeth, and domineeres , Wafts , and, banifheth all noblenefi'e of fpirit, natural! affection, humanity, difcretion, reafon, wifedome, inanlineffe, mutuall entertainements entercourfe of' kind- neffe, and love; and turnes all, even ;he foule it felfe, into earthandmudde. It drawes by a cunning refereed bafeneffe, ail occafions circturdances 2 advantages,: Witte, policy, even