comfortable walking with God. 229! even friends,and acquaintance ; nay religion, confcience, and all to be ferviceable,andcontributory to a greedywoolfe, and raginggangrenof hoarding upof Gold , and worldly pelfe. In a word, it makes a man with a Bedlam crueltie to con- temne himfelfe, body and foul , for a little tranfitory trafh ; wilfully to abandon both the,comfortable enjoyment of the lbort time of this prefent mortalitie, and all hope of the length of that bleffed eternitie to come. And as the object of it is moll earthly, bale, and incompetent, fo of all other vile affedions, it is molt fottifhly,and fenfelefly unfatisfiable. For how is it poffible that earth fhould feed or fill the im- material! , and heaven-borne fpirit of a man ? It cannot be, and the Spirit of God bath faid,it (hall not be, Eccles. 5. icy. and 4. 8. He that lovethfitver, (hall not befiottyedwithfilver. The eye is notlatiefledwith riches. Hence it is,that the deepelier and more eagerly the dropfie heart of thecovetous man cloth drinkeof this golden ftreame , the more furioufly ftill it is inflamed withunfatiable thirft : nay, certaine it is, that if he fhouldpurchafe, and pofliffe a Monopolyofall thewealth in the world ; were bee able to empty the Wefterne partsof Gold , and the Eaft of all her Spices, and precious things fhould he enclofe the whole face of the earth from one end of heaven to another, and heape up his hoard to the Starres ; yet his heart would beas hungry after more riches, as if bee had nevera penny, and much more. If it fall in love withbeauty, and the fwaggering bravery of good-fellowfhip , it begets lull, and fenfualitie ; which make their minions madde with bitterncffe and malice, a. gainft the very !call glimpfe ofholineffe, or any religious re- ftraint ; enrage them with mutuall fury,to engulfe themfelves into the bottomleffe whirlepoole of fenfuall pleafures, and foempoyfon their hearts with a furious unquenchable thirft after them , that they will never leave their hold , and haunt, until' they either be broken with the hammer of theWord, or burft with thehorrour of deipaire. You may trace thefe peftilent properties in the pra,eclife of thole volup- tuous Gallants, Wifedome ( A Booke though not of divine