Bolton - HP BV4500 .B62 1634

... 23° Genera11 direelionsfor a al SS. 2N' divine authoritie , yet profitable for precepts ofmoralitie.) In whichChapter you may finde, as I have ever conceived, a defcription to the life , and moil exaft Charades of the good-fellowes of our times ; who are tranfported equally with a delperate infatiablehumour ofravenous feeding upon the froth, and filthof their impure delights , as greedily as the Oxe fuckes in water : and with an implacable enmitie againft the politic , and power of godlinefie. For the firil, heare their cry unto their companions. Verfe 6, &c. COMV on therefore , let us enjoy the good things that are prefint : and let us #eedily isle the creatures like as in youth. Let its our felveswith evilly Wine, andOyntments and let noflower of the Springpaceby us. Let us crowne our felves with Role- buds before they be withered. Let none of its goe without his part of our voluptuorefneffe : let us leave tokens of our joyful- :4e in everyplace ; for thisu our portion , and our lot is this. For the other , take notice of their boyfierous f;vaggering combination , to become bloody goades in the fides , and cruel' prickes in the eyes of Gods people. For proportio- nable to their impatiency of being croft in their courfe of pleafures , is their rage in perfecuting the godly. And thereforebeing refolute to live and dye good-fellowes, they alfo refolve from the fame ground , to hold an everlafling unreconcileable oppofition to the way which is called Holy, efpecially fith every where it is folpok5n.igainfl. Whenoc, I fay, they grow, and glue themfelves together in this com- bination , Verfe to, &c. Let us oppreffe the poore righte.. 1$14 man, -Let our firetegth be the law of iullice : for that which is feeble , isfoond to bee nothing worth. The ore let us lye in Waite fir the righteous : becaufe bee is not for ourtame, and be is cleane contrary to our doings , bee upbrai. deth us with our offending the Law , and obiefieth to our in- famy, the traulgreffbeg of our education. Hee profeffeth to have the knowledge ofgod: and be calleth binefilfe thechilde of the Lord. Hee was made to reproove our thoughts. Hee grievous unto us : even to behold : for his life is not like other mons, his wayes areof another faAion. wee areefleemed