comfortablewalking with God. of him as counterfeits: bee abflaineth from our wayes , ae from filthinefre , bee pronounceth the endof thejig to bee blel: iced, and rnaketh his boafts that God is his Father: Stich things they did imagine , and were deceived: for their owne wickednefe bath blinded them. As for the myfleries of God , they know them not , neither hoped they for the wa.. a-es of righteofirefe : nor &learned a rewardfor 61amelefe gales. If it edge, and eneager malice , it breedes revenge, a wol- and unnaturall thirft after blood : which haunts moft, the molt weake, fearefull, and cowardly fpirits. For we ever fee thebafefi and molt worthleffe men, tobee moft malicious and revengeful!. Seldome doth it finde any harbour in a weibred, and a generous minde. As Thunders, Tempefts, and other terrible agitations in the ayre, troubleonely, and dilquiet thefeweaker frailebodies below, but never difturbe or diftnay thole glorious heavenly Ones above: fo fcurrill girds, imperious doggedneffe, difgraces, and wrongs, vexe, anddiftemper men of baler temper : but thenettling difpo. fition , caufeleffe fpite , and childifh brawlings of hafty fooles, wound not great and noble fpirits. Now this boy ling and biting diftemper, though againif nature it feeder upon blood ; yet, fo true is the point I pulite ' ( but would you thinke it ? ) is alto infatiable. Witneffe that Monfter ofMillane, who, as a Rodin reported', when bee a DeRepub. aiba had furprifed upon the fuddaine , one whom bee mortally 5° "P'6° hated, bee prefently overthrew him; and fetting his dag- ger tohisbref}, told him, he would certainely have his blood, except he would renounce, abjure, forfweare, and blafphemc the God of heaven. Which when that feareful man, too finfully greedy of a miferable life, had done in a molt horri- blemanner ; nee immediately difpatcht him, affooneas thole prodigious blaphemies were out of his mouth : and in a bloody triumph infulting over his murthered adverfarie, as though whole hell had dwelt in his heart ; bee added this molt abhorred fpeech Oh,- faies bee; this is right noble, and heroicall revenge; which doth not onel3i deprive the Ck3 body