Bolton - HP BV4500 .B62 1634

23 2 General/ direttions for a 0,44021,2,,p06.14.4,*ate* ,111 body of a temporary life but brings alfo the never dying fonie unto everialling flames. W ittoffe the cruelleff ofmen, Iii(torie of/Tut-kJ) Molloomet the great , who as the Story reports,was in his time PaZ 433. - the deathof eight hundred tboufand men. But above all, that Beall of Rome carries aWay the bell for infatiableneffe in blood 'flicking, who though bee was long fince dt unke with the bloodof the. Saints, al withnew Wine ; and in his drun- ken humour, bath furioufly fpilt , and pow red our upon the face of Chrifiendorne, a world of blood, almoft all in our re- membrance : Witnefie the incredibledcale ofChi ifliariblood which that mercilefic monffer, the Popifh Inqu ifit ion fw21 lowes downe in fecret Witneffe the horrible butcheries ex- ecutal upon Profeffours in the Low-countries : Gueffe the 2 Me"an' Belg' reit by that cruell con fcffionof a e AIva, who boafting, in the Hiiti 13' HOOdilfied of the Saints, laid on a time at his table,rhat hehad beene diligent in rooting out of herefie(fo the A licit. hriftians call the right way to 11 .J'aven ) For Solider thole which were flaine in warre, and fecret inaflacres,hee had put into the hand of the .Hangman eighteene thouland in the fpace of tixe b Ditleden; ex 1- yeeres: wtmeffe b Fameliw his ferall reiolution at his depar- ualia arefiusidi- xiire mgout ofItaly ; to make his horse fwitrtne In the blood of Iron dire daturtun theLutherans : Witnefle that molt abhorred prodigiousvil. fira gem per Gel- . maniarn,ut Ltz- tany, that euer the Sunne law . the malfacre at Texif, when trie,evreln,:arcu in divers places of France , lout c theelcore tboufand per- itipri,,,,, Ions weremurthered , and the ftreets of that Citie , as the s/tida.coominr. Stork tels flreweld with carcafes,the Pavements, Market. c ft o France, places and River dyed with blood': Wirneffe, betides other L. 794 cruelties andbloody affliciions , three hundred faithfulf fer- Vantg ofChriit burned to aches in this Kingdom: , within its vertu Tempo- 1( ilk: then, fitie yeeres W itnefle that horrible parricide per- chri4lArir, etbcin Petrate° up, 1. the Royall perfons of twoFrench Kings, Hen- ribus per totain 3 n°MinariR'' rie the third and fourth, who were fuccegiyelybutchered in per Gailiarn,infi- niti hx,ctici rub_ a molt barbarous manner, by two Popifh ikfl'afins Clement btu Cunt FraficiIcim and R4viliiact : Nay, in the late civ ill warres of France, twelve - .hupdfcd thoufand naturall French are faid robe Elaine this prow Onflan. - pt, cap. 1 Thee Wh:eb be cat, Romifh Beau being the bellowes and incendiary,-&c. Yet h:o,fedMatttrra. fay,Thoug.h bee havealready drunkc vp filch a &alt..- of blood Rerecilcs , as