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comfortable walkiogwith God. dom.:id+ Medommom wmwom;wwwwommm swmmm*.mmws+. 000wwwow..., 25 infatiably, as Behemoth the River Iordanc : he is yet ft& like a flee-wolfe in the evening; and at this very time carou- fingalmofi in all corners ofthe.Chriflian world, the blood of the Martyrs of 1efeis as greedily, and with as fiirious thirft, as ever he did, fince the Dragon fir ft gave him his power. But IRevel /34. hope in the flrongGod of falvatiOn(Forflrong u the Lord Iteve148.8. ged,roho indge0 the whore) that this is the laft draught, and that upon his next health, as it were, begun to the Devil!, in this cupof fiery cruelty again It the fervants ofChrift, theVi- all of Gods unquenchable wrath will choake him for ever. Blood he (hall have enough, but from the revenging hand of the Lord Gcd of recompenccs, in fury, and fealotifie. 2. Befides that thus the rage of vnfatiablenc ffe and refl.. lefixff: ofpurfuit, doth fiillboyle in every carnal! heart, that is carried immoderately after its owne wales, or inordinately upon any earthly thing : it is alio thereby in Gods juit judgement extraordinarily hardened, and eftranged from Grd. For the deepelier our affeetions are drowned in the World, and endeared to any fenfuall delight ; themore dif- perately are they divoro d from God , and deaded to hea- venly things. It, is just with God, to ftiffx that heart tobee turned fiat into earth and mud ; and after to freeze and con- geale into node and Adamant, which preferres Earth before H aven ; a dunghill be fore Paradife ; hroken cif ernes which can hold no water, before the everfpringing Fountaine of glory and bliffe ; a few bitter-fweet pleafures, foran inch of time in this vale ofteares, before unmixed and immeafurable joyes, through all eternity in thole glorious manfions above. Our hearts are originally hardby the curie of Nature, Ezek. 11.19.afterward by a wilful! coot L,and cottinuancc in finne, we addeAdamant ofour ovk ne, Ifai. 48.4. Zach. 7. 12. and by not fuffaing the Sic ord of the Spirit to leaf ch and (under our minion- delights from our hofomes , Heb. 4. 7. Then Saran is let loofe to put to his iron finewes, Luk.22.3. Lafily, God himfelfe hardeneth by an aCt of _Eunice, as weemay fee, lath. 21. Exod. 9.12. Thus the heart v 1 arcs to bee reformed, being glued to a fenCual4 di of uxIcty lufl,.by its owne Q-4 inbred