2 3 6 General1direc7ions for a Bonurn conjugi. m tom cif terteltris ent, and continual' peace then matter ofmarriage. A word ParailitUvrnalurn, or two therefore of,Lconvenient entrance into, and, L. corn- ter`eft'is infant' fortable enjoyment of that honourableeftate. a Pritnum ergo la For the aril : I. Let thy choifebe in the a Lord,according, conjuglo religto d C z nut' virf br r, o,kate oamt Pails Rule. 39. only in the Lord. Let prune de ablab pietie be the firft mooverof thine affecction , the prime and 7'atriarrb. cap. 9. While tLey ?flea. principal' ponderation in this greateft affaire ; and then con. rung women not ceive ofperfonage, parentage, and portion, as they fay, and marrying in the Lord) pleag him Inch outward things, and worldly additions, as a comforta. not by marr3ingin ble accetrory, confideration onely in a fecund b place. Let the him, they doe that Whereby they in. world lay what it will, to a mind` trucly generous, and enno- curie hid difilea- bled with grace, the abloluteft concurrence,and quintetEmiall fore: they make an offer ofthemfelves exquifitenffe ofbeauty,gold, birth; witte,or what betides iWrath` ftruiee 6f may bee found molt remarkcableand matchldre in that fexe, that `ramie , with wholefeefatal the) mould bee nothing, nor hold fcale with the lighteft feather 14,,keee Idv. el in upon any Ladies head, in refpea °fagraciow difpofition and Hookers Jra- godlyheart. Religion and the feare ofGod, as it is generally Ph"ale' 'lb the un to mu dation of all humane felicity ; tft it in fiy-ciall S. upon tvOre wOria of Tertul. (z2a be accounted the groundofall comfortand bliffe, whichmarl Domino non cent, uti P'4- and wife d_ fire to finde in the enjoying each ofother. There yuc mmum otfudti!v-", was never any gold,or great friends : any beautie, or outward Ifietrigunu:. 4o, r2C art bravery, which tied truely fall and comfortably any marriage worr. b Dual- knot. It is onely the goldenLinke, and noble tye ofCh venial a ticoarractvenial nity and Grace , which bath the power and priviledge to eft fatis. make to deare a bond lovely, and everla ing ; which can fea- fon and firength?n that .nearcil inf parable Iocictie with true fweetneffe and immortality. 2. Let conjugall 'love warme thine heart, at lea ft in Come meafure with affectionate contentment, and formmore fpe- ciall repofe vpon the partie , as one with whom thou calif heartily and comfortably confort : for the husband, all eon- currents, and ordinary poffibilitics confidered, ought to fet- tle his aff.:.3 ions vpon his wife , as the fittefl that the world could have afforded him : and the wife fhould reft her heart upon her husband, as the meeteft for her , that could have been` foundunder the Sunne. By a cor flant entercourfe of which mutuall contentment in each other, the husband will be